Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2017 7:05 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Common Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2017-0026 11.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of S. 73 Street from W. Greenfield Avenue to W. National Avenue and portions of intersecting streets by concrete reconstruction with miscellaneous walk, miscellaneous driveway repair, narrowing of pavement, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay, building services and utility adjustments.   Action details
R-2017-0005 12.ResolutionResolution relative to the Vacation and Discontinuance of a 6-ft. x 300.53-ft. portion of City alley right-of-way between S. 58 St. and S. 60 St. north of W. Mineral St.   Action details
R-2017-0033 13.ResolutionResolution to approve and adopt a City of West Allis Citizen Participation Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Programs, and to rescind Resolution No. 24499 pertaining to the Citizen Participation Plan adopted October 18, 1994.   Action details
2017-0104 14.MinutesMinutes (Draft) of the Common Council regular meeting of February 7, 2017.ApprovedPass Action details
2017-0086 15.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of January 2017, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $124,348.88.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0099 16.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of Ocwen Loan Servicing vs. Tina A. Miller, et al. regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 17CV00084. Pass Action details
2017-0059 17.CommunicationJohn Becker Complaint & Affidavit regarding Trailblazing Auto Sales LLC, not operating for more than thirty (30) days, and no longer having control of the premises located at 5730 W. Lincoln Ave. (Used Vehicle Dealer License no. 16-2300).Reconsidered and Referred backPass Action details
R-2017-0030 18.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the sole source proposal of Assessment Technologies of WI, LLC for providing a Market Drive software upgrade for a total net sum of $9,219.90.AdoptedPass Action details
2017-0100 19.CommunicationCommunication from the West Allis Civil Service Commission regarding the abolishment of the Civil Service System and Commission.   Action details
2017-0102 110.CommunicationCommunication from City Administrator transmitting copy of List of Interim Successors to Elected and Appointed City Officials.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0084 111.ReportFinance Director/Comptroller submitting report for January 2017 indicating City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $2,164,188.66.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0101 112.RequestCommunication from City Administrator requesting approval to fill the upcoming vacant position of Electrical Mechanic I in the Department of Public Works, Building/Inventory and Electrical Division, Electrical Section.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0446 113.ClaimSummons and Complaint for Injunctive Relief in the matter of The International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1004, AFL-CIO, Dion Volk, Chris Levenhagen, and Dan Kirchner vs. The City of West Allis relative to the smoking ban, Case No. 10CV010685.Placed on FilePass Action details
2011-0131 114.ClaimWe Energies Notice of Claim for Damages of equipment and associated loss of electrical consumption allegedly sustained on February 3, 2011 at 5846 W. Madison St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2016-0163 115.ClaimSecura Insurance Companies Notice of Claim on behalf of Deborah G. Suhm relative to vehicle damages allegedly sustained at the 600 block of South 93rd Street on 12/29/15.Paid and Placed on FilePass Action details
2016-0648 116.ClaimMirna Lozano communication regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained at S. 64 St. on October 17, 2016.Paid and Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2017-0033 117.ResolutionResolution to approve and adopt a City of West Allis Citizen Participation Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Programs, and to rescind Resolution No. 24499 pertaining to the Citizen Participation Plan adopted October 18, 1994.Adopted  Action details
O-2017-0010 118.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Create Subsection 2.16(3)(f) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Changes under Wis. Stat. Section 66.0911.PassedPass Action details
R-2017-0029 119.ResolutionA Resolution Adopting Wisconsin Statute 66.0911 and Requiring that when water, heat, sewer and gas laterals or service pipes are constructed, the property owner is charged and it becomes a lien against the parcel served.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2017-0025 120.ResolutionResolution accepting work of Western Contractors, Inc. for the complete construction of a skate park located at 8338 W. National Avenue in the City of West Allis, Wisconsin and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2014 Project No. 2.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2017-0024 121.ResolutionResolution to reject bid of Toki & Associates, Inc. for the construction of a two story house with a detached garage that will be used as a training facility at 11271 West Lincoln Avenue, in the City of West Allis in the amount of $238,145.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2017-0031 122.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Neenah Foundry Co. for furnishing and delivering cast iron manhole frames and covers for a total sum of $162,492.00AdoptedPass Action details
R-2017-0032 123.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Ferguson Waterworks, First Supply LLC, and HD Supply Waterworks for furnishing and delivering chimney seals, water boxes, gate valves, butterfly valves and extensions for a total sum of $144,472.86.AdoptedPass Action details
2017-0094 124.CommunicationRichard Pomeroy communication requesting the City to vacate the right of way of the vacant property south and east of 3218 S. 114 Street and to consider that property to be purchased with the intent of not building on the aforementioned property.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0096 125.CommunicationCommunication from Downtown West Allis Business Improvement District requesting to close Greenfield Avenue, and assistance with parking restrictions and signs for West Allis A la Carte on Sunday, June 4, 2017.ApprovedPass Action details
2017-0097 126.ReportCommunication from Downtown West Allis Business Improvement District announcing “Stroll & Shop” to be held on the third Saturday of each month, from May through September from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.ApprovedPass Action details
R-2017-0005 129.ResolutionResolution relative to the Vacation and Discontinuance of a 6-ft. x 300.53-ft. portion of City alley right-of-way between S. 58 St. and S. 60 St. north of W. Mineral St.   Action details
R-2017-0026 127.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of S. 73 Street from W. Greenfield Avenue to W. National Avenue and portions of intersecting streets by concrete reconstruction with miscellaneous walk, miscellaneous driveway repair, narrowing of pavement, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay, building services and utility adjustments.   Action details
R-2017-0027 128.ResolutionFinal Resolution authorizing public improvement by concrete reconstruction with miscellaneous walk, miscellaneous driveway repair, narrowing of pavement, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay, building services and utility adjustments in S. 73 Street from W. Greenfield Avenue to W. National Avenue and portions of intersecting streets and levying special assessments against benefited properties. Pass Action details
O-2017-0008 130.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the North Side of W. Greenfield Avenue, From a Point 30 Ft. East of S. 97th Street to S. 97th Street.PassedPass Action details
O-2017-0009 131.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the South Side of W. Mitchell Street, From a Point 60 Ft. East of S. 66th Street to S. 66th Street.PassedPass Action details
R-2017-0028 132.ResolutionResolution declaring West Allis Ala Carte scheduled for June 4, 2017 between Noon and 6:00 p.m. as a Community Event.AdoptedPass Action details
2017-0103 133.CommunicationCommunication from Kurt Weis, Vice-President/General Manager of Lamar Advertising Company, requesting consideration to raise their existing outdoor advertising sign at a City owned property located at 1721 S. 100 St. (Tax Key no. 449-0031-004).Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0098 134.License Application(s)License applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2017-0082 135.License Application(s)Appointment of new agent, Jessica M. Pearson, by Blazin Wings, Inc., d/b/a Buffalo Wild Wings #409 located at 2950 S. 108 St.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2017-0083 136.ReportPolice Department report regarding tavern violations/calls for service for the month of January 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0085 137.ReportPolice Department Report involving One More, 7534 W. Beloit Rd., of The Spot, LLC, Christina I. Lopez, Agent, Incident Date: January 1, 2017.   Action details
2017-0087 138.ReportPolice Department Report involving Flappers, 7527 W. Becher St., of Mark S. Silber, Incident Date: January 1, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0088 139.ReportPolice Department Report involving 6500 Restaurant & Bar, 6500 W. Greenfield Ave., of JM 6500 Investments, LLC, Tonja M. Bassett, Agent, Incident Date: January 1, 2017.   Action details
2017-0089 140.ReportPolice Department Report involving Braun’s Power House, 7100 W. National Ave., of Brauns Pub & Eatery LLC, Joseph S. Braun, Agent, Incident Date: January 6, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0090 141.ReportPolice Department Report involving Rockstars Saloon, 5826 W. Burnham Street, of Sharon L. Butterfield, Incident Date: January 15, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0091 142.ReportPolice Department Report involving Harry O’s 2nd Base, 6743 W. Lincoln Ave., of Harry O’s, Inc., Harry J. Strahlendorf, Agent, Incident Date: January 18, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0093 143.ReportPolice Department Report involving Dog House, 1641 S. 68 St, of Janice Susan LLC, Janice Susan Fazen, Agent, Incident: January 7, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0092 144.ReportPolice Department Report involving Retro, 6827 W. National Ave., of Retro LLC, Brian R. Teclaw, Agent, Incident Date: January 3, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0095 145.ReportPolice Department Report involving Retro, 6827 W. National Ave., of Retro LLC, Brian R. Teclaw, Agent, Incident Date: January 26, 2017.Placed on FilePass Action details
2017-0055 146.License Application(s)2016-2017 Class B Tavern License application no. 2398 of Top Dog Enterprises, LLC, Ronald L. Mellantine, Agent, d/b/a The Choice Eatery and Entertainment, for the premises located at 9638 W. National Ave. (new-existing location).   Action details