Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/20/2012 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Common Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2012-0215 11.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of S. 57 St. from north of W. Walker St. to W. National Ave. and portions of intersecting streets by concrete reconstruction, new driveway approaches, miscellaneous sidewalk repair, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay and building services.   Action details
R-2012-0221 12.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of a Special Use Permit for the Chinese Relaxation Center, a proposed massage business, to be located within a portion of the Plaza 100 shopping center at 2727 S. 108 St.   Action details
2012-0610 13.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of October 2012, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $130,611.09.Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0594 14.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of Robert Braun vs. City of West Allis, et al., Case No. 12 CV 348. Pass Action details
2012-0600 15.ClaimJoseph Grunke communication regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained at W. Greenfield Ave. and S. 116 St. on October 31, 2012. Pass Action details
2012-0602 16.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of Bank of America, N.A., vs Jerome Garcia, et al, regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 12-CV-011119. Pass Action details
2012-0552 17.Report2013 City of West Allis Mayor's Recommended Budget.Approved as AmendedPass Action details
O-2012-0042 28.OrdinanceOrdinance appropriating the necessary funds for the operation and administration of the City of West Allis for calendar year 2013.Passed as AmendedPass Action details
2012-0502 19.Summons and ComplaintSummons and Complaint in the matter of the complaint against Danny's Entertainment, Inc., Daniel R. Seiy, Agent, for the premises located at 1902 S. 60 Street, d/b/a Danny's Lounge (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1738, Dance Hall License no. 1740 and Instrumental Music License no. 1739).    Action details
2012-0453 110.ReportPolice Department Report involving Danny's Lounge, 1900 S. 60 St. (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1738, Dance Hall License no. 1740 and Instrumental Music License no. 1739 of Danny's Entertainment, Inc, Daniel R. Seiy, Agent, Incident Dates: July 1, 2012, July 14, 2012, August 18, 2012 & August 22, 2012).   Action details
O-2012-0043 112.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. O-2008-0009 establishing the salary ranges of certain employees in the Administrative & Clerical Service of the City of West Allis for the years 2008-2010 (PC Network Technician I and PC Network Technician II).PassedPass Action details
2012-0599 113.RequestCommunication from Manager, Purchasing/Central Services relative to disposal of City's old Fujitsu phone system.ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0168 114.ClaimRon Kuzia communication regarding 2011 Statement of Personal Property for Blueprints, Inc., tax ID #534513 on March 30, 2012.PaidPass Action details
2012-0299 115.ClaimAmended Summons and Complaint in the matter of Bank of America, N.A., vs Dawn M. Clark, et al, regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 11CV15233.Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0475 116.ClaimJerry Bellin communication regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained at 2209 S. 62 St. on August 25, 2012.DeniedPass Action details
2012-0522 117.ClaimAllstate Roanoke National Subrogation Claim Center Subrogation Claim Notice submitted on behalf of Jerry Bellin regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained on August 25, 2012 at 2208 S. 62 St.DeniedPass Action details
R-2012-0218 118.ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to enter into a State/Municipal Agreement for services described herein with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the costs associated with reconstruction of the Zoo InterchangeAdoptedPass Action details
R-2012-0220 119.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to amend an existing agreement with Ring & Duchateau for engineering services related to replacing and upgrading the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems at the Health Department and Senior Center buildings in an amount not to exceed $32,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2012-0222 120.ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to enter into State/Municipal Agreements to provide Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) for state-maintained traffic signals located at Greenfield Avenue (STH 59) intersections AdoptedPass Action details
2012-0601 121.CommunicationDowntown West Allis Business Improvement District communication regarding the Downtown West Allis Christmas On The Avenue scheduled for Saturday, December 1, 2012 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0570 122.CommunicationCommunication from Director of Public Works/City Engineer regarding request from Veolia Environmental Services asking for an increase in landfill fees and other issues related to the City's garbage disposal contract.Placed on FilePass Action details
2011-0174 123.CommunicationCommunication from the Principal Engineer-Design Services regarding parking restrictions along W. National Avenue from S. 84th Street to S. 92nd Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2012-0215 124.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Director of Public Works/City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of S. 57 St. from north of W. Walker St. to W. National Ave. and portions of intersecting streets by concrete reconstruction, new driveway approaches, miscellaneous sidewalk repair, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay and building services.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2012-0216 125.ResolutionFinal Resolution authorizing public improvement by concrete reconstruction, new driveway approaches, miscellaneous sidewalk repair, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay and building services in S. 57 St. from north of W. Walker St. to W. National Ave. and portions of intersecting streets and levying special assessments against benefited properties.AdoptedPass Action details
2011-0655 111.CommunicationCommunication from Director of Public Works/City Engineer Discussing Funding Options for the Cross-Town Bike Trail.Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0603 127.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for Oscar's Frozen Custard to establish a drive-thru addition to the existing restaurant located at 2362 S. 108 St.   Action details
2012-0604 128.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit to establish Bari Pizzeria restaurant located within a portion of the mixed use property at 5919 W. Burnham St.   Action details
2012-0609 129.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit amendment to expand the hours of operation for Urban Joe's Cafe, a proposed coffee shop/restaurant, with outdoor dining, to be located at 7028 W. Greenfield Ave.   Action details
O-2012-0031 130.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend the Official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning a portion of the property at 9306 W. Greenfield Ave. from RA-3 Residence District to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District.PassedPass Action details
R-2012-0221 131.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of a Special Use Permit for the Chinese Relaxation Center, a proposed massage business, to be located within a portion of the Plaza 100 shopping center at 2727 S. 108 St.AdoptedPass Action details
2012-0559 132.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for Chinese Relaxation Center, a proposed massage business, to be located within a portion of the Plaza 100 shopping center at 2727 S. 108 St.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2012-0035 226.OrdinanceOrdinance to Create Section 9.35 of the City of West Allis Revised Municipal Code Requiring Prepayment for All Fuel at Commercial Gas Stations.DeniedPass Action details
O-2012-0039 147.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Repeal & Recreate Subsection 7.121(2) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to the Keeping of More Than Two Dogs as it Relates to Service Dogs.PassedPass Action details
2012-0502 19.Summons and ComplaintSummons and Complaint in the matter of the complaint against Danny's Entertainment, Inc., Daniel R. Seiy, Agent, for the premises located at 1902 S. 60 Street, d/b/a Danny's Lounge (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1738, Dance Hall License no. 1740 and Instrumental Music License no. 1739). Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0453 110.ReportPolice Department Report involving Danny's Lounge, 1900 S. 60 St. (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1738, Dance Hall License no. 1740 and Instrumental Music License no. 1739 of Danny's Entertainment, Inc, Daniel R. Seiy, Agent, Incident Dates: July 1, 2012, July 14, 2012, August 18, 2012 & August 22, 2012).Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0606 133.CommunicationStipulation In the Matter of the Complaint Against Danny's Entertainment, Inc., Daniel Seiy, Agent, d/b/a Danny's Lounge for the premises located at 1900 S. 60 St.Approved and Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0605 134.Findings and RecommendationFindings and Recommendations in the Matter of the Complaint Against Danny's Entertainment, Inc. relative to the Class B Tavern License, Dance Hall License and Instrumental Music License. ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0598 135.License Application(s)2013 Gun Range License renewal application.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2012-0612 136.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0617 137.License Application(s)2012-2013 Instrumental Music License application no. 1917 (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License application no. 1876), of The Shop, LLC, Kelly Ann Huennekens, Agent, d/b/a The Shop, premises located at 8812 W. Greenfield Ave.ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0597 138.ReportPolice Department report regarding tavern violations/calls for service for October 2012.Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0596 139.ReportPolice Department Report involving Walk-Her-Inn, 900 S. 74 St. (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1538 and Dance Hall License no. 1540, Diane D. Plumeri, Incident Date: October 26, 2012).Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0595 140.ReportPolice Department Report involving The Network, 9541 W. Cleveland Ave. (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 786, and Dance Hall License no. 788 of The Network, LLC., Jacob M. Silber, Agent, Incident Date: October 21, 2012).   Action details
2012-0616 141.License Application(s)2012-2013 Class A Beer License application no. 1909, of Beechers Quick Stop Shop, LLC, Michael J. Jonas, Agent, d/b/a The Corner Spot for premises located at 2079 S. 69 St. (new-nonexisting).Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0611 142.License Application(s)2012-2013 Instrumental Music License application no. 1914 and 2012-2013 Dance Hall License application no. 1915 (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License application no. 1908), of PNS Owner's Group, LLC, Michael J. Polacheck, Agent, d/b/a Painted Parrot for the premises located at 8028 W. National Ave. ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0614 143.License Application(s)2012-2013 Class B Tavern License application no. 1911 and Dance Hall License no. 1912, Melissa M. Martin, d/b/a M & M Sports Bar for premises located at 1900 S. 60 St. (new-existing location).   Action details
2012-0613 144.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2012-2014 Tavern Operator License application no. 14-225 of Jennifer A. Sweeney.   Action details
2012-0607 145.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2012-2014 Tavern Operator License application no. 14-222 of Michael J. Wartgow.   Action details
2012-0615 146.License Application(s)2012-2013 Class B Tavern License application no. 1913 of Doublebs, LLC, Richard T. Manchester, Agent, d/b/a Double B's for premises located at 7420 W. Greenfield Ave. (new-existing location).ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0535 148.ReportPolice Department Report involving Danny's Lounge, 1900 S. 60 St. (2012-2013 Class B Tavern License no. 1738, Dance Hall License no. 1740 and Instrumental Music License no. 1739 of Danny's Entertainment, Inc., Daniel R. Seiy, Agent, Incident Date: September 5, 2012).Placed on FilePass Action details
2012-0618 149.AppointmentAppointment by Mayor Devine of Judy Hutto as a member of the West Allis Beautification Committee, her term to expire December 31, 2013.ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0619 150.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Bekki Schmitt as a member of the West Allis Commission on Aging, her three-year term to expire November 1, 2015.ApprovedPass Action details
2012-0620 151.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Patricia Wolfe as a member of the Historical Commission of the City of West Allis, under the guidelines of the ordinance pertaining to limitation on consecutive terms for members of boards and commissions, her five-year term to expire December 31, 2017.ApprovedPass Action details