Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/16/2010 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Common Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
O-2010-0048 11.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend Subsection 12.40(1)(ii) and 12.41(1)(dd) relative to sporting good stores. To repeal Subsection 12.41(1)(q) relative to indoor gun ranges in the C-2, Neighborhood Commercial District. To repeal and recreate Subsection 12.48(3)(a) relative to firearm ranges in Park Districts and to amend Subsection 12.43(2)(m) of the Revised Municipal Code to permit gun, firearm and/or ammunition sales; sporting good stores with gun, firearm and/or ammunition sales; and, indoor ranges as a permitted use within the C-4 Regional Commercial District.   Action details
O-2010-0040 12.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to repeal and recreate subsection 12.13(3)(a)3 and subsection 12.13(3)(b)4 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relating to Architectural Review and Site Standards for New Single Family Residential Construction.   Action details
O-2010-0047 13.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to amend Subsection 2.38(3) and Subsection 12.13(12) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relating to appeals of Plan Commission decisions being considered by the Common Council and to amend Subsection 2.39(2) relative to the function and duties of the Board of Appeals.   Action details
O-2010-0038 14.OrdinanceAn Ordinance To Amend Section 12.19(3)(d) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relative to the minimum construction standards for Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities.   Action details
R-2010-0253 15.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for the proposed relocation of the Cousins Subs restaurant within the Oakridge Shopping Center, an existing multi-tenant commercial strip mall located at 10700 W. Oklahoma Ave.   Action details
2010-0668 16.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of October 2010, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $110,102.99.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0649 17.ClaimEdward J. Schmidt, Jr. communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained at Reservoir Park located at 1725 S. 96 Street on October 27, 2010. Pass Action details
2010-0659 18.ClaimAmended Summons and Complaint in the matter of U.S. Bank National Association vs. Maria Del Rosio Garcia, et al, regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 10-CV-005780. Pass Action details
2010-0660 19.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P. vs. Christine J. Towers, et al, regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 10CV018697. Pass Action details
2010-0661 110.ClaimNotice of Claim and Notice of Injury of Kenneth and Melissa Kesy regarding injuries and damages allegedly sustained at South 60 Street and West Lincoln Avenue on August 11, 2010. Pass Action details
2010-0662 111.ClaimTom Brusky communication regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained at W. Beloit Road and S. Orleans Ave. on October 29, 2010.  Pass Action details
2010-0663 112.ClaimRaymond Meyer communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained at the intersection of S. 102 and S. 103 Streets on October 19, 2010. Pass Action details
2010-0667 113.ClaimShana S. Sprewer housing discrimination complaint against the City of West Allis. Pass Action details
2010-0671 114.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of Brad H. Krause vs. City of West Allis Police Department, Case No. 10-C-0718. Pass Action details
2010-0679 115.ClaimAmended Summons and Complaint in the matter of CitiMortgage, Inc. vs. Todd P. Roller, et al, regarding foreclosure of mortgage, Case No. 10-CV-011581. Pass Action details
R-2010-0258 117.ResolutionResolution approving the transfer of $25,000 from the Contingency Fund to the Municipal Court Computer Equipment Software Account for the acquisition and implementation of the TiPss court software package and related hardware.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0251 118.ResolutionResolution relative to transferring up to $84,600.00 from the Contingency Fund to the Police Department Automotive Capital Account for purchasing four (4) Police Squads from Holz Motors.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0252 119.ResolutionResolution approving Subgrantee Agreements by and between the City of West Allis and various Community Development Block Grant recipients and City Departments for support of administrative, public service, housing rehabilitation, economic development, public improvement, redevelopment activities and projects funded by 2011 Community Development Block Grant funds.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0254 120.ResolutionResolution Implementing GASB statement #54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0683 121.CommunicationFire Chief communication relative to notification of 2011 approved Advanced Life Support Billing Rates.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0664 122.RequestCommunication from the Christmas Funding, Planning and Programming Subcommittee of the West Allis Celebrations Committee requesting consideration for funding for the 2010 Christmas Parade.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0677 123.RequestCommunication from City Administrative Officer regarding request to fill vacant position of Administrative Supervisor at the West Allis Health Department.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0590 124.Report2011 City of West Allis Mayor's Recommended Budget.ApprovedPass Action details
O-2010-0046 125.OrdinanceOrdinance appropriating the necessary funds for the operation and administration of the City of West Allis for calendar year 2011.PassedPass Action details
2009-0627 126.ClaimSnyder & Ek. S.C. communication submitted on behalf of Janet L. Jensen regarding personal injury allegedly sustained on August 15, 2009.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0717 127.ClaimNotice of Injury submitted on behalf of William M. Melloch regarding injuries and damages allegedly sustained on W. Beloit Rd. at or near the intersection of S. 66 St. on August 13, 2009.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0572 128.ClaimCrystalina Montano communication regarding vehicle damages allegedly sustained on September 14, 2010 at approximately South 84th Street and West National Avenue.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2010-0248 116.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to contract with Illingworth-Kilgust Mechanical for furnishing and installing a replacement water heater at the Police Department Headquarters in the amount of $8,590.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0246 129.ResolutionResolution Authorizing and Directing the Appropriate City Officials to Acquire Temporary Limited Easements, Permanent Easements and Property for the Reconstruction of W. National Avenue from S. 84th Street to S. 92nd Street.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0249 130.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to enter into an agreement with Donohue & Associates for engineering services related to installing an emergency generator at the Police Department Headquarters amount of $19,500.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0250 131.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to contract with Masonry Restoration Incorporated instead of The Garland Company, Inc. for emergency roof repairs at Fire Station No. 2 in the amount of $12,425.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0255 132.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of Mainline Sewer & Water, Inc. for the sediment removal in the west branch of Root River at South 124th Street in the City of West Allis, in the amount of $103,180.00.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0644 133.CommunicationCommunication from the Director of Public Works/City Engineer relative to the Department's Policies and Procedures related to Bulk Collections and associated charges.   Action details
R-2010-0259 132a.ResolutionResolution Granting a Privilege for Encroachment (Major) to Richard A. Krueger and Diane M. Krueger (d/b/a Dicken's Grille) for property located at 9646 West Greenfield Avenue.AdoptedPass Action details
O-2010-0050 134.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the South 300 Feet of the 2400 Block of S. 88 St. and the North 120 Feet of the 2500 Block of S. 88 St.PassedPass Action details
O-2010-0049 135.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Subsection 13.21(12)(e) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Political Signs. PassedPass Action details
R-2010-0257 136.ResolutionResolution relative to approval of the project activities proposed for the Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) totaling $576,200 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy. AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0256 137.ResolutionResolution to authorize the Director of Development to prepare plans, studies, and applications necessary for the improvement of Beloit Road Senior Housing and the submittal of a Section 42 Tax Credit Application. AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0673 138.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for M&T's Auto, a proposed auto repair and detailing business to be located at 2109 S. 55 St.   Action details
2010-0674 139.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for a proposed educational institution to be operated by Oconomowoc Residential Programs, Inc. within the existing school building of St. Augustine's Church located at 6753-6763 W. Rogers St.   Action details
2010-0669 140.CommunicationCarlton Peterson communication relative to the West Allis Revised Municipal Code section 9.34, Property Owner Registration.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0676 141.CommunicationPetition to revoke the Business Occupancy Permit of Shorty's Shooting Sports, located at 2192 S. 60 Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2010-0018 142.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Repeal Subsections 12.13(3)(a)3 and 12.13(3)(b)4 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Architectural Review and Site Review for New Single Family Residential Construction.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2010-0048 143.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend Subsection 12.40(1)(ii) and 12.41(1)(dd) relative to sporting good stores. To repeal Subsection 12.41(1)(q) relative to indoor gun ranges in the C-2, Neighborhood Commercial District. To repeal and recreate Subsection 12.48(3)(a) relative to firearm ranges in Park Districts and to amend Subsection 12.43(2)(m) of the Revised Municipal Code to permit gun, firearm and/or ammunition sales; sporting good stores with gun, firearm and/or ammunition sales; and, indoor ranges as a permitted use within the C-4 Regional Commercial District.   Action details
O-2010-0040 144.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to repeal and recreate subsection 12.13(3)(a)3 and subsection 12.13(3)(b)4 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relating to Architectural Review and Site Standards for New Single Family Residential Construction.PassedPass Action details
O-2010-0047 145.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to amend Subsection 2.38(3) and Subsection 12.13(12) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relating to appeals of Plan Commission decisions being considered by the Common Council and to amend Subsection 2.39(2) relative to the function and duties of the Board of Appeals.PassedPass Action details
O-2010-0038 146.OrdinanceAn Ordinance To Amend Section 12.19(3)(d) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code relative to the minimum construction standards for Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities.PassedPass Action details
R-2010-0253 147.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for the proposed relocation of the Cousins Subs restaurant within the Oakridge Shopping Center, an existing multi-tenant commercial strip mall located at 10700 W. Oklahoma Ave.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0617 148.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed relocation of a Cousins Subs restaurant, to be located within the Oakridge Shopping Center, an existing multi-tenant commercial strip mall at 10700 W. Oklahoma Ave. submitted by Joe Ferguson, Cousins Submarines, Inc. Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0670 149.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0672 150.License Application(s)2010-2011 Used Vehicle Dealer License application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0665 151.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2010-2011 Tavern Operator License application no. 11-565 of Jay J. Kay.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0675 152.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2010-2011 Tavern Operator License application no. 11-568 of Gregory S. Dowden.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0666 153.License Application(s)2010-2011 Adult-Oriented Establishment Operator Permit application no. 1729 of Kelsey E. Zilles.   Action details
2010-0658 154.License Application(s)2010-2011 Class B Tavern License application no. 1733 of Lele's Whiskey Corner, LLC, Jeffrey William Kacheris, Agent, d/b/a Remedy, premises located at 1309 S. 60 Street. new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0643 155.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2010-2011 Tavern Operator License application no. 11-561 of Dawn M. Buss.DeniedPass Action details
2010-0655 158.Summons and ComplaintSummons and Complaint in the matter of the complaint against M & W Hospitality, Inc., Mario P. Morgese, Agent for the premises located at 1900 S. 60 St., d/b/a Mario's (2010-2011 Class B Tavern License no. 1091, Dance Hall License no. 1092 and Instrumental Music License no. 1093).   Action details
2010-0549 159.ReportPolice Department Report involving Mario's, 1900 S. 60 St. (2010-2011 Class B Tavern License no. 1091, Dance Hall License no. 1092 and Instrumental Music License no. 1093 of M & W Hospitality, Inc., Mario P. Morgese, Agent, Incident Date: August 1, 2010).   Action details
2010-0624 160.ReportPolice Department Report involving Mario's, 1900 S. 60 St. (2010-2011 Class B Tavern License no. 1091, Dance Hall License no. 1092 and Instrumental Music License no. 1093 of M & W Hospitality, Inc., Mario P. Morgese, Agent, Incident Date: September 24, 2010).   Action details
2010-0638 156.License Application(s)2010-2011 Class B Beer License application no. 1731 of Gulzar, Inc., Gulbaz Gill, Agent, d/b/a Mr. Gyros Grill & Cafe located at 10535 W. Greenfield Ave. (new-nonexisting premises).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0639 157.License Application(s)2010-2011 Class C Wine License application no. 1732 of Gulzar, Inc., Gulbaz Gill, Agent, d/b/a Mr. Gyros Grill & Cafe located at 10535 W. Greenfield Ave. (new-nonexisting premises).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0680 161.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of David Wied as a member of the West Allis Community Celebrations Committee, as the West Allis Charities Representative.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0681 162.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Paule Kolff as a member of the West Allis Block Grant Committee, her two-year term to expire September 1, 2012.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0682 163.AppointmentReappointments by Mayor Devine to the West Allis Commission on Aging of Rita Roth and Deborah Tiegs, their three-year terms to expire November 1, 2013.ApprovedPass Action details