Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/19/2009 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
O-2009-0015 11.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning properties located at 8229, 8233, 8239 and 8243 W. Lapham St. and 1608 S. 83 St. and 1616-18 S. 83 St. from M-1 Manufacturing District to RB-2 Residence District. (Tax Key Nos. 452-0505-000, 452-0504-000, 452-0503-000, 452-0502-000, 452-0501-000)   Action details
2009-0309 12.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of April 2009, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $111,312.93.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0283 13.ClaimTreml Sales & Services communication regarding property damage allegedly sustained at 2107 S. 84 Street on April 8, 2009. Pass Action details
2009-0324 14.ClaimSpoerl Trucking, Inc. communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained on January 6, 2009. Pass Action details
2009-0325 15.ClaimJoseph Mason communication regarding injuries of Sheilia Mason allegedly sustained at 6414 W. Greenfield Avenue on March 11, 2009. Pass Action details
R-2009-0132 16.ResolutionResolution to approve an Amendment to the Plan Management Agreement for Administrative Services between the City of West Allis and Humana Health Insurance Company/Humana Dental Insurance Company, effective March 1, 2009.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2009-0130 17.ResolutionResolution ordering preliminary plans and specifications together with a schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of S. 60 St. from the North City Limits to W. Lincoln Ave. and portions of intersecting streets by concrete reconstruction with miscellaneous walk, new driveway approaches, storm sewer, storm sewer relay, sanitary sewer relay, water main relay, building services and utility adjustments.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2009-0134 18.ResolutionResolution Authorizing and Directing the City Engineer to Pay For Sanitary Sewer Lateral Repairs at 2542 South 83rd Street in the Amount of $1,661.83.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2009-0135 19.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of Payne & Dolan, Inc. for street construction, alley construction, storm sewer relay, storm sewer spot relay, water main relay and utility adjustments in various locations within the City of West Allis, in the amount of $1,236,759.80.AdoptedPass Action details
2009-0281 110.CommunicationCommunication from American Sewer Service, Inc. appealing their disqualification from bidding.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0335 111.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed addition to Fortune Restaurant, an existing business located at 2945 S. 108 St. (Tax Key No. 520-9965-033)   Action details
2009-0315 112.CommunicationSC Management Company, Inc. communication on behalf of Summit Place supporting the West Allis Bike and Pedestrian Plan and the Cross-Town Connector.   Action details
2009-0334 113.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit to establish a Dance Studio within a portion of the existing mixed use building located at 7701 W. Greenfield Ave. submitted by Debra J. Hamilton-Barutha d/b/a Blush II. (Tax Key No. 452-0027-000)   Action details
2009-0336 114.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed day care facility d/b/a Community Relations-Social Development Commission Head Start of West Allis within a portion of the Whitnall Summit Place property located at 6682 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 439-0001-031)   Action details
2006-0467 115.CommunicationPetition for a button activated Stop light on 87th and National for the elderly and disabled residents of Sunrise Apartments.Placed on FilePass Action details
2006-0495 116.CommunicationSupplemental Petition for a button activated Stop light on 87th and National for the elderly and disabled residents of Sunrise Apartments.Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0346 117.CommunicationPetition requesting stop or yield signs on South 88 Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2009-0015 118.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning properties located at 8229, 8233, 8239 and 8243 W. Lapham St. and 1608 S. 83 St. and 1616-18 S. 83 St. from M-1 Manufacturing District to RB-2 Residence District. (Tax Key Nos. 452-0505-000, 452-0504-000, 452-0503-000, 452-0502-000, 452-0501-000)PassedPass Action details
2009-0292 119.License Application(s)2008-2009 Class B Tavern License application no. 1524, Instrumental Music License application no.1525 and Dance Hall License application no. 1526, of SYRE Enterprises, LLC, Andrew M. Lomax, Agent, d/b/a Double Barrel Saloon for premises located at 1100 S. 60 St. (new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0317 120.CommunicationDowntown West Allis, Inc. communication requesting the Common Council enact and enforce an ordinance prohibiting drug paraphernalia within the Downtown West Allis Business Improvement District's boundaries.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0333 121.CommunicationTime Warner Cable communication regarding possibly ceasing programming if agreements aren't renewed for Style, Sportsman Channel, BBC VOD, GSN, GAC, Shop NBC, Weather Channel, WLS, WTMJ, WGBA, and WBAY; and reminding that DTV transition commences June 13, 2009.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0318 122.License Application(s)2008-2009 Class B Tavern Special Event Permit appl. no. 12 of Cosmo LoMagro, d/b/a Cosmo Factory, 9524 W. Greenfield Ave., (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License application no. 646 and Dance Hall License application no. 648) for a graduation party, June 14, 2009 from 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0323 123.License Application(s)2008-2009 Class B Tavern Special Event Permit application no. 11 of Doppelganger's, Inc.,Tammy L. Dopp, Agent, d/b/a Dopp's Bar & Grill, 1753 S. 68 St. (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 1490, Instrumental Music License no. 1491, Dance Hall License no. 1492 and Cigarette License no. 1493) for a Spring Into Summer Party, to be held June 13, 2009, from 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Fenced in parking lot behind Dopp's).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0298 124.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 1301, Dance Hall License renewal application no. 1303, and Tavern Entertainment renewal application no.1302 of Cugino's Entertainment LLC, Dominic T. Lalicata, d/b/a Crazy Horse for premises located at 9440 W. National Avenue.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0289 125.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 1310 and Instrumental Music License application no. 1515 of JK Lau Investments, LLC, Jeffrey K. Lau, Agent, d/b/a 57 Bar, premises located at 5632 W. Burnham St. (new Instrumental Music License).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0287 126.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1370 of Pegasus of West Allis, LLC., Sotirios Touloukis, Agent, d/b/a Pegasus Restaurant at 7727 W. Greenfield Ave. (new agent).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0288 127.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 635, Dance Hall License renewal application no. 638 and Instrumental Music License renewal application no. 1378 of Columbus Club of West Allis, Inc., John J. Schmitz, Agent, d/b/a Columbus Club of West Allis for premises located at 1800 S. 92 St. (new agent)Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0326 128.License Application(s)2009-2010 Combination Class A Liquor License renewal application no. 933 of Sam's East, Inc., William A. Campbell II, Agent, d/b/a Sam's Club 6303, premises located at 1540 S. 108 Street (new agent).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0327 129.License Application(s)2009-2010 Combination Class A Liquor License renewal application no. 1205 and Cigarette License renewal application no. 1206, of Mega Marts, LLC, James C. Heltemes, Agent, d/b/a Pick 'n Save #6883, premises located at 11111 W. Greenfield Avenue (new agent).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0303 130.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern, Dance Hall, Instrumental Music, and Bowling Alley License renewal applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0330 131.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Beer License renewal applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0329 132.License Application(s)2009-2010 Combination Class A Liquor License renewal applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0328 133.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class A Beer License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0331 134.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class C Wine License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0332 135.License Application(s)2009-2010 Wholesale Beer License renewal application.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0316 136.License Application(s)2008-2009 Special Class B Beer and Wine License application(s).ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0338 137.License Application(s)2009-2010 and 2009-2011 Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0321 138.License Application(s)2009-2010 Adult-Oriented Establishment Operator Permit applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0310 139.License Application(s)2009-2010 Amusement Distributor's License renewal application(s).ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0312 140.License Application(s)2009-2010 Arcade License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0311 141.License Application(s)2009-2010 Second Hand Dealer License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0313 142.License Application(s)2009-2010 Used Vehicle Dealer appl(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0297 143.ReportPolice Department report regarding tavern violations/calls for service for the month of April 2009.Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0306 144.ReportPolice Department Report involving Jock Stop Sports Bar, 7930 W. National Ave. (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 880 and Dance Hall License no. 882 of JOCII ENTERPRISES, LLC, Christopher John Bitz, Agent, Incident Date: April 16, 2009)Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0290 145.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 454, Dance Hall License renewal application no. 504 and Instrumental Music License renewal application no. 1068 of LTL PNK HSZ, LLC, Gregory S. Barczak, Agent, d/b/a Painted Parrot, premises located at 8028 W. National Ave.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0291 146.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1530, of Gregory S. Barczak, d/b/a 88 Keys Piano Martini Lounge for premises located at 7211 W. Greenfield Ave. Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2009-0340 155.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-212 of Frank R. Zoboroski.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0282 171.License Application(s)2008-2009 Entertainment Club License application no. 1520 of Sumn Outta Nutn, LLC, Ted F. Robertson, Agent, premises located at 2213 S. 54 St.DeniedPass Action details
2009-0285 147.License Application(s)2009-2010 Adult-Oriented Establishment Operator Permit renewal application no. 1497 of David A. Bugni.   Action details
2009-0286 148.License Application(s)2009 Direct Sellers/Solicitors Permit application no. 45 of Andrew R. Stauff.   Action details
2009-0271 149.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-049 of Jeffrey R. Gaudynski, Sr.   Action details
2009-0284 150.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-099 of Brian G. DePons.   Action details
2009-0296 151.License Application(s)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-168 of Alexander J. Lovas.   Action details
2009-0319 152.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-175 of James M. Lynch.   Action details
2009-0322 153.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-189 of Peter A. Harris.   Action details
2009-0320 154.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2011 Tavern Operator License renewal application no. 11-180 of Theodore M. Galaszewski.   Action details
2009-0341 156.License Application(s)2009-2010 Cigarette License renewal application no. 466 of Smoker's Pub, LLC, Mohammed M. Ali, Agent, d/b/a Smokers Pub for premises located at 10708 W. Oklahoma Ave.   Action details
2009-0293 157.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1511 of Deborah S. Gerth, d/b/a Walk-Her-Inn, premises located at 900 S. 74 St. (new-existing location).   Action details
2009-0294 158.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 784 of Randall W. Katzuba, d/b/a Randy's Neighbor's Inn, premises located at 6922 W. Becher St.   Action details
2009-0299 159.ReportPolice Department Report regarding April 17, 2009 Alcohol Compliance Check involving ten (10) West Allis businesses, resulting with four (4) selling alcohol to an underage person without requesting identification (2008-2009 Class A Beer License no. 910 and Cigarette License no. 1015 of Bryan SRA, LLC, Ram S. Joseph, Agent, d/b/a Kwik Pantry, 6716 W. Lincoln Ave.).   Action details
2009-0300 160.ReportPolice Department Report regarding April 17, 2009 Alcohol Compliance Check involving ten (10) West Allis businesses, resulting with four (4) selling alcohol to an underage person without requesting identification (2008-2009 Combination Class A Liquor License no. 935 and Cigarette License no. 1030 of Mohinder S. Dhillon, d/b/a Dhillon Beer & Liquor, 5832 W. Burnham St.).   Action details
2009-0301 161.ReportPolice Department Report regarding April 17, 2009 Alcohol Compliance Check involving ten (10) West Allis businesses, resulting with four (4) selling alcohol to an underage person without requesting identification (2008-2009 Combination Class A Liquor License no. 1351 and Cigarette License no. 1354 of Bunty's Liquor, LLC, Beant Singh, Agent, d/b/a Cleveland Discount Liquor, 8423 W Cleveland Ave.).   Action details
2009-0295 162.License Application(s)2009-2010 Combination Class A Liquor License renewal application no. 1351 of Bunty's Liquor, LLC, Beant Singh, Agent, d/b/a Cleveland Discount Liquor, premises located at 8423 W. Cleveland Ave.    Action details
2009-0302 163.ReportPolice Department Report regarding April 17, 2009 Alcohol Compliance Check involving ten (10) West Allis businesses, resulting with four (4) selling alcohol to an underage person without requesting identification (2008-2009 Combination Class A Liquor License no. 928 and Cigarette License no. 1024 of Majdecki Foods, Inc., Theodore R. Majdecki, Agent, d/b/a Sentry Foods #2806, 10282 W National Ave.   Action details
2009-0275 164.License Application(s)2009-2010 Combination Class A Liquor License renewal application no. 928 of Majdecki Foods, Inc., Theodore R. Majdecki, Agent, d/b/a Sentry Foods #2806, premises located at 10282 W. National Ave.    Action details
2009-0304 165.ReportPolice Department Report involving Bunkers, 7420 W. Greenfield Ave. (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 1431 of Bunkers, LLC, Scott J. Bunker, Agent, Incident Date: April 1, 2009)   Action details
2009-0305 166.ReportPolice Department Report involving Dopp's Bar & Grill, 1753 S. 68 St. (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 1490, Dance Hall License no. 1492, Instrumental Music License no. 1491 and Cigarette License no. 1493 of Doppelgangers, Inc., Tammy L. Dopp, Agent, Incident Date: April 11, 2009)   Action details
2009-0339 167.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License renewal application no. 1490, Instrumental Music License renewal application no. 1491, Dance Hall License renewal application no. 1492, and Cigarette License renewal application no. 1493 of Doppelganger's, Inc.,Tammy L. Dopp, Agent, d/b/a Dopp's Bar & Grill, 1753 S. 68 St.   Action details
2009-0307 168.ReportPolice Department Report involving Mugshotz, 1902 S. 68 St. (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 1380, Dance Hall License no. 1382 and Instrumental Music License no. 1383 of Mugshotz, Inc., Gregory J. Steffek, Agent, Incident Date: April 16, 2009)   Action details
2009-0308 169.ReportPolice Department Report involving Bugsys, 6851 W. Beloit Rd., (2008-2009 Class B Tavern License no. 454, Dance Hall License no. 504, Instrumental Music License no. 1068 and Cigarette License no. 455 of MJJB, LLC, Brad Mark Roessger, Agent, Incident Date: April 28, 2009)   Action details
2009-0204 170.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2008-2010 Tavern Operator License application no. 10-317 of Katherine L. Van Dorf.ApprovedPass Action details
R-2009-0133 172.ResolutionResolution relative to the 2010 U.S. Census and the establishment of a City of West Allis Complete Count Committee.AdoptedPass Action details
2009-0342 173.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Dolores Grunke as a member of the West Allis Civil Service Commission, under the guidelines of the ordinance pertaining to limitation on consecutive terms for members of boards and commissions, her five-year term to expire May 1, 2014.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0343 174.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Richard Sujecki as a member of the West Allis Electrical Review Board, under the guidelines of the ordinance pertaining to limitation on consecutive terms for members of boards and commissions, his two-year term to expire May 31, 2011.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0344 175.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Wayne Clark as a member of the West Allis Plan Commission, his three-year term to expire April 30, 2012.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0345 176.AppointmentReappointment by Mayor Devine of Michael May to the West Allis Plan Commission, his three-year term to expire April 30, 2012.ApprovedPass Action details
2009-0337 177.ReportLegislative Committee minutes for May 12, 2009.Placed on FilePass Action details