Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/16/2004 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
O-2004-0046 11.OrdinanceAn ordinance to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning properties located at 3190 S. Wollmer Rd. (Tax Key No. 523-9987-001) and 31** S. Wollmer Rd. (Tax Key No. 523-9987-002) from C-4 Regional Commercial/RA-1 Residence District to RC-1 Residence District, requested by Michael Hoffman, Developer.    Action details
2004-0612 12.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Application for proposed Capoeira Martial Arts Studio, to be located at 5835 W. National Ave.   Action details
2004-0677 13.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of October, 2004, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $85,969.44, all fines, costs and fees in the sum of $85,722.04 collected in the Municipal Court and the sum of $81,548.00 in payment of parking violations sent directly to the City Clerk/Treasurer's office.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0683 14.ClaimSamster, Konkel & Safran, LLC communication submitted on behalf of Douglas Sopa and Maureen Klitz-Sopa regarding injuries and damages allegedly sustained at S. 86 St. and W. Lincoln Ave. on January 28, 2002. Pass Action details
O-2004-0045 15.OrdinanceOrdinance appropriating the necessary funds for the operation and administration of the City of West Allis for calendar year 2005.PassedPass Action details
2004-0604 16.Report2005 City of West Allis Mayor's Recommended Budget.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0689 17.CommunicationCommunication from School District of West Allis-West Milwaukee regarding the City's use of the Parkway Recreation Facility during Fire Department building construction.   Action details
R-2004-0320 18.ResolutionResolution Adopting the National Incident Management System by the City of West Allis.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0322 19.ResolutionResolution to transfer up to $20,000 from the Contingency Fund to the Fire Department Equipment Account (100-2201-522.70-05) for the emergency purchase of replacement defibrillators.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0326 110.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Director of Development to issue a Request for Proposal for a hotel for State Fair Park.AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0665 111.CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney regarding the City's Affirmative Action Plan   Action details
2004-0672 112.CommunicationDowntown West Allis Business Improvement District communication regarding their 2003 Annual Financial Report.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0675 113.CommunicationComptroller/Manager of Finance submitting the City of West Allis Unaudited Financial Statement Package for the period ended September 30, 2004 for review and approval.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0676 114.CommunicationComptroller/Manager of Finance submitting the City of West Allis Unaudited Financial Statement Package for the period ended October 31, 2004 for review and approval.Placed on FilePass Action details
2001-0091 115.ClaimHelen Kowalski communication regarding injury allegedly sustained at 7001 W. National Ave. on October 30, 2001.DeniedPass Action details
2001-0092 116.ClaimAnthony Pratt communication regarding request for return of property.DeniedPass Action details
2002-0004 117.ClaimAnthony Pratt, Green Bay, communication regarding a refund of $2,500.00 for the loss of his vehicle which was allegedly seized on March 30, 1998, Reg. No. 155862.DeniedPass Action details
2000-0010 118.ClaimRobert Kelsey claim regarding garage and soil damage allegedly sustained at 2481 S. 95 St. DeniedPass Action details
2004-0585 119.ClaimArnold Hochtritt communication regarding vehicle damage which allegedly occurred at 84 St. and Lapham St. on September 14, 2004DeniedPass Action details
R-2004-0312 219a.ResolutionResolution Granting a Privilege for Encroachment (Major) to New Owner Thomas C. Doyle (d/b/a Doyle's Milwaukee Inn) for property located at 7335 West Greenfield Avenue.Adopted As AmendedPass Action details
2004-0688 120.RequestDowntown West Allis Business Improvement District (BID) requesting "No Parking" signs and possible relocation of ice sculptures for their Annual Downtown West Allis Holiday Stroll on Saturday December 4, 2004, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.ApprovedPass Action details
R-2004-0321 121.ResolutionResolution to authorize the submittal of three state grant applications by the Director of Development and the subsequent appropriation of necessary local matching funds for a Brownfield Site Assessment GrantAdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0324 122.Resolution2005-2006 Class B Tavern Special Event Permit application no. 5 of OAR, LLC, Michael O'Connor, Agent, d/b/a O'Connor's Perfect Pint, 8423 W. Greenfield Ave. (2005-2006 Class B Tavern License no. 104) for a half way to St. Patrick's Day Party to be held on Friday, September 16, 2005, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. (Fenced in parking lot with tent and stage)AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0323 123.ResolutionResolution approving the Certified Survey Map submitted by Tri-Corp Housing Inc. for a property split to develop two single family residential lots on property located at 18** S. 65 St. (tax key number 454-0357-000).   Action details
2004-0682 124.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map submitted by Tri-Corp Housing Inc. for a property split to develop two single family residential lots on property located at 18** S. 65 St. (tax key number 454-0357-000).    Action details
2004-0690 125.CommunicationPolice Chief communication regarding City of West Allis crime statistics and major crime report.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0691 126.CommunicationPolice Chief communication regarding evaluation of Crossing Guard location at W. Lincoln Ave. and I-894 on ramp.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0678 127.Special Use PermitSpecial use application for proposed G.M. and G.E. Credit Union to be located at 1606 S. 84 St. within a portion of the existing retail center located at 1606-1650 S. 84 St. (tax key number 452-0431-001).   Action details
2004-0679 128.Special Use PermitTransitional use application for proposed expansion of the Pegasus Restaurant commercial parking lot located at 7727 W. Greenfield Ave. to a vacant residential lot located at 14** S. 78 St. (tax key numbers 452-0052-002 and 452-0048-000).   Action details
2004-0680 129.Special Use PermitSpecial use application to establish a day care facility within a portion of the Mary Queen of Heaven building located at 2360 S. 106 St. (tax key number 485-0036-002).   Action details
2004-0684 130.Special Use PermitSpecial use application to expand the drive through hours of operation to 24 hours daily and to add an additional point of sale location within the existing drive through lane at the existing McDonald's Restaurant located at 8301 W. Greenfield Ave. (tax key number 451-0644-004).    Action details
2004-0692 131.Special Use PermitSpecial Use application to establish a vocational school within a portion of the existing Summit Place One office building located at 6737 W. Washington St. (tax key number 439-0001-030) and the proposed Summit Place Two building to be located on the west side of S. 70 St. at 909 S. 70 St. (tax key number 440-0259-008).    Action details
O-2004-0046 132.OrdinanceAn ordinance to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning properties located at 3190 S. Wollmer Rd. (Tax Key No. 523-9987-001) and 31** S. Wollmer Rd. (Tax Key No. 523-9987-002) from C-4 Regional Commercial/RA-1 Residence District to RC-1 Residence District, requested by Michael Hoffman, Developer.    Action details
2004-0697 133.CommunicationPetition submitted by residents to deny the proposed zoning amendment submitted by Michael Hoffman of Creekside Meadows, LLC, to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by rezoning certain land located at 3190 S. Wollmer Rd. and 31** S. Wollmer Rd. from C-4 Regional Commercial District and RA-1 Residence District to RC-1 Multi-family Residence District.   Action details
R-2004-0325 134.ResolutionResolution for Special Use Permit for proposed Brasil Arts & Fitness to be located at 5835 W. National Ave., currently a vacant tenant space.AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0612 135.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Application for proposed Capoeira Martial Arts Studio, to be located at 5835 W. National Ave.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0670 136.CommunicationTime Warner Cable communication regarding changes to be made to their basic, standard and digital channel line-ups on December 1, 2004 and rate changes to take effect December 2004 and January 2005.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0681 137.CommunicationPolice Department communication regarding Tavern Contacts/Violations as of November 1, 2004.   Action details
2004-0693 138.CommunicationMega of Milwaukee, LLC communication regarding change of business trade name of Agnos Mega Restaurant to Pegasus Restaurant located at 7727 W. Greenfield Ave.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0685 139.ReportPolice Department Reports involving GW's Jaws, 9033 W. National Ave. (2004-2005 Class B Tavern License no. 24, Dance Hall License no. 18, Instrumental Music License no. 12 and Cigarette License no. 120 of GW's Jaws, LLC, Eunice A. Weber, Agent, Incident Date: October 4, 2004.)   Action details
2004-0686 140.ReportPolice Department Reports involving The Doctor's Office, 1309 S. 60 St. (2004-2005 Class B Tavern License no. 58, Dance Hall License no. 42, and Instrumental Music License no. 21 of Lawrence J. Robe, Jr., Incident Date: October 16, 2004.)   Action details
2004-0687 141.ReportPolice Department Reports involving Tap City, 7207 W. National Ave.(2004-2005 Class B Tavern License no. 73, Dance Hall License no. 52, Instrumental Music License no. 26 and Cigarette License no. 51 of Tap City, Inc., Russell J. Kleist, Agent, Incident Date: October 2, 2004.)   Action details
2004-0669 142.License Application(s)2004-2005 Class B Tavern License appl. no. 133 of Mario P. Morgese, d/b/a Mario's for premises at 1900 S. 60 St.(new-existing location).    Action details
2004-0694 143.License Application(s)2004-2005 Instrumental Music License appl. no. 52 and Dance Hall License appl. no. 91 of Transfer Cafe, LLC, James Yohanan, Agent for premises at 7100 W. National Ave. (04-05 Class B Tavern License no. 132).ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0668 144.License Application(s)2005 Taxicab Operator License applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2004-0674 145.License Application(s)2004 and 2005 Taxicab Driver's License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0666 146.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2004-2005 Tavern Operator License appl. no. 519 of Wanda L. Kinder.   Action details
2004-0667 147.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2004-2005 Tavern Operator License appl. no. 520 of Roberta C. Arnold.   Action details
2004-0673 148.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2004-2005 Tavern Operator License appl. no. 523 of Rosalina Gutierrez.   Action details
2004-0671 149.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2004-2005 and 2004-2006 Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details