Meeting Name: Safety and Development Committee (INACTIVE) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/6/2011 8:52 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Room 118
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2011-0540 145.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for La Parihuela Peruvian Restaurant to establish a restaurant located at 9039 W. National Ave. with outdoor dining as an extension of premises. Held  Action details
O-2011-0052 146.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the North 300 Feet of the 3000 Block of S. 92 St. Pass Action details
2011-0530 147.CommunicationPetition submitted by residents of the 3000 block of S. 92 St. requesting a 2 hour parking restriction on the east side of the 3000 block of S. 92 St. between W. Oklahoma Ave. and W. Manitoba St. Pass Action details
R-2011-0190 148.ResolutionResolution amending the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) budget for funding awarded to the City of West Allis from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce. Pass Action details
R-2011-0192 149.ResolutionResolution authorizing the submittal to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development of a Community Planning Challenge Grant Application in the amount of $175,000 for a Citywide Zoning Code Review.  Pass Action details
2011-0503 150.CommunicationCommunication from the City of Greenfield informing the City of West Allis of their public hearing on August 16, 2011 for approval of a rezoning from "Planned Unit Development with C-2 Commercial Uses" to "C-2 Commercial" of an approximately 50' wide area that shifts a zoning district line to match up with a proposed new north lot line of a new 1.9 acre parcel that is being created via a new certified survey map from the southerly area of the existing Knights of Columbus property. Pass Action details
2011-0529 151.CommunicationCommunication from the Principal Engineer regarding parking restrictions along W. National Avenue from S. 84th Street to S. 92nd Street. Pass Action details
O-2011-0034 152.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2100 Block of S. 92 St., from W. National Ave. to 50 Ft. North of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0036 253.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2100 Block of S. 92 St., from W. National Ave. to 130 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0048 154.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Various Parking Restrictions at Several Locations on W. National Ave., from S. 84 St. to S. 92 St. Pass Action details
O-2011-0025 155.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish No Left Turn on the Northbound and Southbound Side of the Intersection of S. 92 St. and W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0035 256.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2100 Block of S. 92 St., from W. National Ave. to 55 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0026 157.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the North Side of the 9000 and 9100 Blocks of W. Becher St., from S. 90 St. to S. 92 St. Pass Action details
O-2011-0027 158.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the South Side of the 9000 Block of W. Becher St., from W. National Ave. to 65 Ft. West of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0028 159.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the North Side of the 8900 Block of W. Becher St. Pass Action details
O-2011-0029 160.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the South Side of the 8900 Block of W. Becher St., from W. National Ave. to 85 Ft. East of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0030 161.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2100 Block of S. 91 St., from W. National Ave. to 15 Ft. North of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0031 162.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2100 Block of S. 91 St., from W. National Ave. to 30 Ft. North of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0032 163.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2100 Block of S. 91 St., from W. National Ave. to 40 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0033 164.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2100 Block of S. 91 St., from W. National Ave. to 25 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0037 165.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2000 Block of S. 89 St., from W. National Ave. to 25 Ft. North of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0038 166.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2000 Block of S. 89 St., from W. National Ave. to 50 Ft. North of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0039 167.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2000 Block of S. 89 St., from W. National Ave. to 55 Ft. South of W. National Ave Pass Action details
O-2011-0040 168.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2000 Block of S. 89 St., from W. National Ave. to 45 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0041 169.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2000 Block of S. 90 St., from W. Becher St. to 35 Ft. North of W. Becher St. Pass Action details
O-2011-0042 170.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2000 Block of S. 90 St., from W. Becher St. to 45 Ft. North of W. Becher St. Pass Action details
O-2011-0043 171.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on Both Sides of the 2100 Block of S. 90 St., from W. National Ave. to 45 Ft. South of W National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0044 172.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on Both Sides of the 1900 Block of S. 86 St., from W. National Ave. to 30 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0045 173.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on Both Sides of the 2000 Block of S. 87 St., from W. National Ave. to 30 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0046 174.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the West Side of the 2000 Block of S. 88 St., from W. National Ave. to 50 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
O-2011-0047 175.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the East Side of the 2000 Block of S. 88 St., from W. National Ave. to 20 Ft. South of W. National Ave. Pass Action details
R-2011-0156 276.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map to split and consolidate the currently undeveloped back portion of a lot of record owned by the City of West Allis located at 96** W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9991-000) and the currently undeveloped back portion of a lot of record owned by Brian Topczewski located at 9612 W. Schlinger, and to consolidate the lot of record owned by Richard Baker located at 9618 W. Schlinger Ave., with the principal property located at 647 S. 94 Place, submitted by William York, d/b/a Allis Tool and Machine Corp. Pass Action details
2011-0408 277.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map to split and consolidate the currently undeveloped back portion of a lot of record owned by the City of West Allis located at 96** W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9991-000) and the currently undeveloped back portion of a lot of record owned by Brian Topczewski located at 9612 W. Schlinger, and to consolidate the lot of record owned by Richard Baker located at 9618 W. Schlinger Ave., with the principal property located at 647 S. 94 Place, submitted by William York, d/b/a Allis Tool and Machine Corp. Pass Action details
R-2011-0157 278.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map to split and consolidate a currently undeveloped lot of record owned by the City of West Allis located at 96** W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9991-000) with the principal property located at 9522 W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9992-001), submitted by Karen Forrer d/b/a Masonry Restoration Inc./Rangeline Partners. Pass Action details
2011-0409 279.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map to split and consolidate a currently undeveloped lot of record owned by the City of West Allis located at 96** W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9991-000) with the principal property located at 9522 W. Schlinger Ave. (416-9992-001), submitted by Karen Forrer d/b/a Masonry Restoration Inc./Rangeline Partners. Pass Action details
R-2011-0189 280.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for proposed addition to Dunn's Sporting Goods, an existing mixed-use building located at 6030-6034 W. National Ave. Pass Action details
2011-0539 181.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed addition to Dunn's Sporting Goods, an existing mixed-use building located at 6030-6034 W. National Ave. Pass Action details
R-2011-0188 282.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for MGS Holdings Group, a proposed training center offering personal defense, safety and security classes, to be located at 9633 W. Greenfield Avenue. Pass Action details
2011-0538 183.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for MGS Holdings Group, a proposed training center offering personal defense, safety and security classes, to be located at 9633 W. Greenfield Ave. Pass Action details