Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/2/2004 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2004-0097 11.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Application submitted by Rudy Borchardt on behalf of the Metro Ballet to establish a ballet school within a portion of the existing Summit Place building located at 6737 W. Washington St.   Action details
2004-0092 12.Special Use PermitSpecial Use application submitted by KB Investments to construct and establish a restaurant with a drive-through and outdoor dining at 1440 S. 84 St. (vacant lot south of Walgreen's, tax key 451-0642-004).   Action details
2004-0091 13.Special Use PermitSpecial Use application submitted by Chou N. Mui d/b/a Joy's Wok to establish a restaurant within the vacant building at 8929 W. Becher St. (Formerly Trudy's/Toni's Restaurant, tax key 479-0876-001).   Action details
O-2004-0008 14.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to rename Section 12.13 and to amend Subsection 12.13(17) and to create Subsections 12.13(18)(19)(20)(21) of the Revised West Allis Municipal Code relating to Development Review Fees.   Action details
2004-0116 15.Referred Matters ReportRevised Communications and all other matters referred to various Committees prior to September 1, 2003.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0117 16.ClaimDaniel J. and Rebecca L. Bonneau, 2201 S. 62 St., communication regarding a refund of the late fee for their 2003 Real Estate Property Taxes. Pass Action details
2004-0131 17.ClaimHastings Mutual Insurance Company communication on behalf of their insured, Paul R. and Shelvie J. Griswold, regarding vehicle damage which allegedly occurred on August 18, 2003, in the amount of $445.02. Pass Action details
O-2004-0009 19.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 6648 establishing the salaries of Certain Employees in the Labor Service of the City of West Allis for the Years 2002-2005 (Painter).PassedPass Action details
R-2004-0083 110.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Allcom of Wisconsin, Inc. for providing computer network upgrade services for a total net sum of $43,918.61.AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0111 111.CommunicationCommunication from Assistant City Attorney regarding the Write-off of Delinquent Personal Property Tax Accounts for reasons of being non-collectible, past the statute of limitations, no longer in business or located in the City, etc.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0125 112.CommunicationPressed Steel Tank Co., Inc., 1445 S. 66 St., communication regarding notification of one (1) union employee's termination date will now be approximately March 12, 2004, one (1) union employee's termination date will now be approximately March 19, 2004, and two (2) union and one (1) salaried employees' WARN notices have been cancelled. Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0132 113.CommunicationReport for the month of December, 2003 indicating City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $54,666,194.14 including Investments of Funds.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0121 114.RequestWest Allis Senior Center, 7001 W. National Ave., communication regarding co-hosting a Senior Prom at West Allis Central High School on June 25, 2004, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and requesting the City of West Allis to also sponsor this event so they can come under the umbrella of liability insurance of the City. ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0002 115.ClaimMatthews Law Offices, S.C. communication on behalf of their client, Heiser Chevrolet/Geo, 10200 W. Arthur Ave., regarding a refund of interest and penalty paid on their 2002 real estate taxes in the amount of $1,461.43.DeniedPass Action details
R-2004-0082 18.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of M.A.N. Equipment Sales, LLC for furnishing and delivering one (1) used hook hoist for a total net sum of $9,500.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2003-0254 116.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of J. Kasian & Sons, Inc. for completion of the 70th Street Gateway project located at the intersection of S. 70 St. and W. Walker St., in the amount of $151,487.50.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2003-0255 117.ResolutionResolution to acquire Gateway Feature from a sole source, Fluxdesign, in an amount of $44,352.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2004-0075 118.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Davies Water Equipment Co. for furnishing manhole chimney seals for a total sum of $15,042.50.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0076 119.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Neenah Foundry Co. for furnishing cast iron manhole and catchbasins for a total sum of $91,684.00. AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0077 120.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Graybar Electric Co., Inc. for furnishing and delivering street light poles for a total sum of $85,514.75. AdoptedPass Action details
R-2004-0078 121.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of various suppliers for furnishing and delivering valves, water boxes and extensions for a total sum of $32,180.85. AdoptedPass Action details
2003-0017 122.CommunicationCommunication from City Engineer regarding inquiries into the leasing of a city owned parking lot at S. 84th Street and W. Cleveland Avenue.Placed on FilePass Action details
2003-0519 123.CommunicationCommunication from City Engineer regarding a driveway permit for State Fair Park on S. 84 Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0122 124.CommunicationCommunication from City Engineer regarding the proposed 2005-2009 Capital Improvement Paving Program.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0124 125.CommunicationCommunication from City Engineer regarding the reconstruction of Morgan Avenue.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0128 126.CommunicationCommunication from City Engineer regarding the new train whistle/horn rule.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2003-0017 127.OrdinanceOrdinance repealing Section 12.37(3)(b) and amending Section 12.41(2)(ee) of the Revised Municipal Code relative to Boarding and Rooming Houses in the C-2 Neighborhood Commercial DistrictPlaced on FilePass Action details
R-2002-0164 128.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Application submitted by International Autos to construct a service bay addition to the existing dealership located at 2400 S. 108 St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2002-0261 129.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Application submitted by International Autos to construct a service bay addition to the existing dealership located at 2400 S. 108 St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2003-0004 130.RequestRequest by Verla Thibou for an ordinance to amend Section 12.36(3) of the Revised Municipal Code to permit boarding and rooming houses as a special use within the RB-2 Residence District.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0126 131.Special Use PermitSpecial use application submitted by McDonald's Corporation for a restaurant addition and to change the hours of operation at the McDonald's Restaurant located at 8301 W. Greenfield Ave.   Action details
2004-0129 132.Special Use PermitSpecial use application submitted by Lorene Hirsch to establish a mixed-use residence and office at 7428 W. Becher St.    Action details
R-2004-0080 133.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Application submitted by Rudy Borchardt, leasing agent for the Whitnall Summit Co., and Rafael Delgado of the Metro Milwaukee Ballet Center, to establish a dance instructional and training facility within the Summit Place Office Building located at 6737 W. Washington St.AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0097 134.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Application submitted by Rudy Borchardt on behalf of the Metro Ballet to establish a ballet school within a portion of the existing Summit Place building located at 6737 W. Washington St.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2004-0081 135.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Application submitted by Chris and Andy Karabelas, KB Investments, to construct and establish a restaurant with a drive-through and outdoor dining at 1440 S. 84 St. (vacant lot south of Walgreen's)AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0092 136.Special Use PermitSpecial Use application submitted by KB Investments to construct and establish a restaurant with a drive-through and outdoor dining at 1440 S. 84 St. (vacant lot south of Walgreen's, tax key 451-0642-004).Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2004-0079 137.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Application submitted by Chou N. Mui, d/b/a Joy's Wok, to establish a restaurant within the existing building located at 8929 W. Becher St. (formerly Goody's Restaurant)AdoptedPass Action details
2004-0091 138.Special Use PermitSpecial Use application submitted by Chou N. Mui d/b/a Joy's Wok to establish a restaurant within the vacant building at 8929 W. Becher St. (Formerly Trudy's/Toni's Restaurant, tax key 479-0876-001).Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2004-0008 139.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to rename Section 12.13 and to amend Subsection 12.13(17) and to create Subsections 12.13(18)(19)(20)(21) of the Revised West Allis Municipal Code relating to Development Review Fees.PassedPass Action details
2004-0090 141.License Application(s)2003-2004 Class B Tavern License appl. no. 139 of Lady Builder's, LLC, Carol J. Mueller, Agent, for premises at 2911 S. 108 St. (new-existing location).   Action details
2004-0114 142.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2003-2005 Tavern Operator License appl. no. 73 of Carmine S. Despirito.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0115 143.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2003-2005 Tavern Operator License appl. no. 74 of Alexis M. Liapis.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0133 144.License Application(s)2004-2005 Used Vehicle Dealer License appl. no. 21 of Merit Motorcars, Inc.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2004-0127 145.CommunicationTime Warner Cable communication informing the City of the Federal Communications Commission Fee being adjusted from $0.05 per month to $0.06 per month effective with the April billing.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0118 146.RequestAttorney John H. Pellmann requesting on behalf of Ana M. Razo, that the City of West Allis give Ms. Razo until the May 2004 Common Council meeting before taking any further action to suspend/revoke the Class B Tavern License of La Troje Corp.    Action details
2004-0112 147.License Application(s)2004-2005 Used Vehicle Dealer License applications.Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2004-0113 148.License Application(s)2004 Taxicab Driver License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0120 149.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2003-2004 and 2003-2005 Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2004-0119 140.License Application(s)2003-2004 Class B Tavern License appl. no. 140, Dance Hall License appl. no. 96 and Instrumental Music License appl. no. 50 of LTL PNK HSZ, LLC, Gregory S. Barczak, Agent, d/b/a Painted Parrot, for premises located at 8028 W. National Ave. (new - existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2004-0123 150.ReportLegislative Committee minutes for February 24, 2004.Placed on FilePass Action details
2004-0130 151.ReportCommunication from Mayor Bell transmitting the Customer Service Survey report for 2003.ApprovedPass Action details