Meeting Name: Safety and Development Committee (INACTIVE) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/3/2010 8:15 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Room 118
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2010-0176 227.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for proposed extension of premises for a deck/gazebo addition to Sir Gregory's Pub, located at 7534 W. Beloit Rd.  Pass Action details
2010-0476 128.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed extension of premises for a deck/gazebo addition to Sir Gregory's Pub, located at 7534 W. Beloit Rd.  Pass Action details
R-2010-0178 229.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for proposed tavern to be located at the former private banquet facility located at 9105 W. Lincoln Ave. Pass Action details
2010-0478 130.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed tavern to be located at the former private banquet facility located at 9105 W. Lincoln Ave. Pass Action details
O-2010-0026 131.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on the North Side of the West 125 Feet of the 8200 Block of W. Oklahoma Ave. Pass Action details
R-2010-0175 132.ResolutionResolution to enter into a contract between the City of West Allis and the City of Milwaukee for disbursement of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce. Pass Action details
R-2010-0173 133.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map for a proposed combination of two lots into one property located at 11211 W. Lincoln Ave. submitted by Greg Kastenholz, d/b/a Poblocki Paving Corp. Pass Action details
2010-0498 134.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map for a proposed combination of two lots into one property located at 11211 W. Lincoln Ave. submitted by Greg Kastenholz, d/b/a Poblocki Paving Corp. Pass Action details
2010-0457 135.CommunicationCommunication from Jackie Kempinger Barkovich requesting the City to create a dog park. Pass Action details
2010-0482 136.CommunicationCommunication from The Corner Bazaar requesting an ordinance amendment to sell used clothing, furniture and/or appliances currently not permitted in the C-1, Central Business District.Held  Action details
O-2010-0024 237.OrdinanceOrdinance to create Section 9.34 of the City of West Allis Revised Municipal Code Requiring Property Owner Registration. Pass Action details
R-2010-0172 138.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for proposed children's transportation service, Go Kid Go Transport & Tours, LLC, to be located within the multi-tenant facility located at 430-450 S. Curtis Rd. Pass Action details
2010-0480 139.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed children’s transportation service, Go Kid Go Transport & Tours, LLC, to be located within the multi-tenant facility located at 430-450 S. Curtis Rd. Pass Action details