Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/18/2008 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2008-0096 11.Municipal Judge ReportReport of the Municipal Judge for the month of January 2008, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $92,800.30.Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0081 12.ClaimAffeldt Law Offices, S.C. communication submitted on behalf of the Estate of Helen T. Krenek, regarding property damage allegedly sustained at 960 S. 63 Street on February 12, 2007. Pass Action details
R-2007-0290 13.ResolutionResolution relative to denial of Special Use Permit relative to a request for an extension of time for ez Money Payday Loans to be located within a portion of the existing commercial building at 11000-10 W. National Ave. (Tax Key No. 520-0131-001)Reconsidered and Referred backPass Action details
R-2007-0289 24.ResolutionResolution approving a request for an extension of time relative to the Special Use Permit for ez Money Payday Loans located within a portion of the existing commercial building located at 11000-10 W. National Ave. (Tax Key No. 520-0131-001).Reconsidered and Referred backPass Action details
R-2008-0040 25.ResolutionResolution relative to termination of Special Use Permit previously granted to Thomas D. Redlich, d/b/a Ziklag Global Investments, Inc., to establish a church, Paradise Family Life Center, within the former Paradise Theater located at 6229 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key Number 454-0001-000).Reconsidered and Referred backPass Action details
R-2008-0041 16.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Assessment Technologies of WI, LLC for providing Market Drive Software Upgrade for a total net sum of $5,700.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2008-0035 17.ResolutionResolution relative to Approving 2007 Transfers, Carryovers, Open Purchase Orders and Capital Accumulation Changes.AdoptedPass Action details
2008-0088 18.CommunicationCommunication from West Allis Memorial Hospital regarding the name change for the hospital campus to "Aurora West Allis Medical Center".Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0091 19.CommunicationCommunication from the Community Alliance Against Drugs thanking the Common Council for their contribution of $1000.00.Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0003 110.ClaimRonald Strom communication regarding sewer lateral damage allegedly sustained at 2827 S. Conger Pl. on December 3, 2007.DeniedPass Action details
2008-0010 111.ClaimAmerican Family Insurance Group communication submitted on behalf of Nicole Kohanski, regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained at S. 56th Street and W. Greenfield Ave. on April 11, 2007. DeniedPass Action details
2008-0019 112.ClaimJon and Jo Ann Schedler communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained at 1923 S. 77 Street on December 7, 2007.Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0054 113.ClaimDeborah M. Meier communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained sustained on S. 70th Street south of I-94 on January 12, 2007.DeniedPass Action details
R-2008-0020 114.ResolutionResolution Constituting a Relocation Order, Pursuant to Secs. 62.22 and 32.05(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for the construction of water and sewer transmission and distribution facilities and similar water and sewer improvements in West Maple Street extended (South 89 Street to South 91 Street).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2008-0042 115.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of SEH Design/Build, Inc. for a five year professional services agreement for the maintenance of the City's 1.5 million gallon water storage tank at South 84 Street and West Rogers Street for an estimated sum of $852,800.AdoptedPass Action details
2008-0097 116.CommunicationCommunication from the Director of Public Works to enter into an agreement with SEH Design/Build, Inc. for the maintenance of the South 84 Street and West Rogers Street water tower.ApprovedPass Action details
2008-0082 117.CommunicationCommunication from the Commissioner of Railroads regarding the complaint of the City of West Allis for the Repair of the Public Crossings of the Union Pacific Railroad Co. tracks with S. 60 St., S. 80 St., and S. 82 St. and for Removal of the Abandoned Spur Track Crossing with E. Electric Ave; and the complaint of the City of West Allis for the Repair of the Public Crossings of the Union Pacific Railroad Co. tracks with 55 Street and 57 Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2007-0289 24.ResolutionResolution approving a request for an extension of time relative to the Special Use Permit for ez Money Payday Loans located within a portion of the existing commercial building located at 11000-10 W. National Ave. (Tax Key No. 520-0131-001).Adopted As AmendedPass Action details
R-2007-0290 13.ResolutionResolution relative to denial of Special Use Permit relative to a request for an extension of time for ez Money Payday Loans to be located within a portion of the existing commercial building at 11000-10 W. National Ave. (Tax Key No. 520-0131-001)Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0094 118.RequestCommunication from Attorney Harvey Goldstein on behalf of ez Money Payday Loan requesting a reconsideration on the denial of the Special Use Permit relative to a request for an extension of time for ez Money Payday Loans to be located within a portion of the existing commercial building at 11000-10 W. National Ave. (Tax Key No. 520-0131-001)Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2008-0040 25.ResolutionResolution relative to termination of Special Use Permit previously granted to Thomas D. Redlich, d/b/a Ziklag Global Investments, Inc., to establish a church, Paradise Family Life Center, within the former Paradise Theater located at 6229 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key Number 454-0001-000).   Action details
2008-0078 119.License Application(s)2007-2008 Class B Tavern License application no. 1364 and Instrumental Music License application no. 1365 of Dino'z Sports Bar LLC, Dean W. Pawelski, Agent, d/b/a Dino'z for premises located at 5906 W. Burnham St. (new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2008-0077 120.License Application(s)2007-2008 Combination Class A Liquor License appl. no. 1368 of JKF Liquor LLC, Jaspal Kaur Farwaha, Agent, d/b/a Dhillon Beer & Liquor, for premises at 5832 W. Burnham St. (new-existing location). Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0093 121.License Application(s)2007-2008 Combination Class A Liquor License appl. no. 1366 of MTS Minimart, Inc., Stephen J. Chollampel, Agent, d/b/a MTS Minimart, for premises at 2668 S. 92 St. (new-nonexisting location). DeniedPass Action details
2008-0080 122.License Application(s)2007-2008 Special Class B Beer and Wine License application(s).ApprovedPass Action details
2008-0083 123.License Application(s)2008-2009 Used Vehicle Dealer License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2008-0092 124.License Application(s)2008-2009 Mobile Home Park License renewal application(s).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2008-0095 125.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2007-2008 and 2007-2009 Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2008-0079 126.License Application(s)Appointment of new agent by Potocic Enterprises, Ltd, d/b/a State Fair Inn, 8101 W. Greenfield Avenue, of William L. Potocic (2007-2008 Class B Tavern Liquor License no. 700).ApprovedPass Action details
2008-0084 127.ReportPolice Department report regarding tavern violations/calls for service for the month of January 2008.Placed on FilePass Action details
2008-0085 128.ReportPolice Department Report involving Sale Inn, 5832 W. Lincoln Ave. (2007-2008 Class B Tavern License no. 709 and Dance Hall License no. 710 of Daniel G. Hilety, Incident Date: January 5, 2008).   Action details
2008-0086 129.ReportPolice Department Report involving Smokin' Joes, 6139 W. Beloit Rd., (2007-2008 Class B Tavern License no. 992, Dance Hall License no. 995, Instrumental Music License no. 994 and Cigarette License no. 993 of Joseph A. Jeffords, Incident Date: January 13, 2008).   Action details
2008-0087 130.ReportPolice Department Report involving Yester Years Pub & Grill, 9427 W. Greenfield Ave. (2007-2008 Class B Tavern License no. 760, Dance Hall License no. 763, Instrumental Music License no. 761 and Cigarette License no. 765 of Yester Years Pub & Grill, Inc., Karen D. Schoenfeld, Agent, Incident Date: January 18, 2008).   Action details
2008-0090 131.ReportPolice Department Report involving The Needle Inn, 7100 W. National Ave. (2007-2008 Class B Tavern License no. 1174, Dance Hall License no. 1177, Instrumental Music License no. 1176 and Cigarette License no. 1175 of Armes Enterprises, LLC, Christopher S. Armes, Agent, Incident Date: January 1, 2008).   Action details
2008-0089 132.ReportPolice Department Report regarding January 26, 2008 Tobacco Compliance Check involving ten (10) West Allis businesses, resulting with one (1) selling tobacco to an underage person without requesting identification (2007-2008 Cigarette License no. 1222 of H.K. Petroleums, LLC, Zubair Arshad, Agent, d/b/a H.K. Petroleums at 5926 W. Beloit Rd.).   Action details