Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Common Council Chambers 7525 W. Greenfield Ave.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet W/ Bookmarks Agenda Packet W/ Bookmarks  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2025-0045 11.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various sidewalks by concrete reconstruction.   Action details
R-2025-0055 12.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various streets by concrete reconstruction.   Action details
2024-1265 13.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for Toppers, a proposed restaurant use, at 11045 W. National Ave.   Action details
2025-0041 14.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for Hidden Lofts, a proposed 5+ Unit Dwelling, at 3000 Block S. 108th St.   Action details
2025-0042 15.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for CD One Price Cleaners, a proposed Dry-Cleaning use, at 2367 S. 108th St.   Action details
2025-0069 16.MinutesJanuary 28, 2025 Common Council Minutes.Approved  Action details
2024-1143 17.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for The Emerald, a proposed Event Space (5,000 or more sq. ft.), at 7546 W. Greenfield Ave.Approved  Action details
2025-0074 18.License Application(s)Class B Tavern Seasonal Temporary Premise Extension request for Paulie’s Pub, 8031 W. Greenfield Ave., from May 23, 2025 through September 30, 2025. (TEMP-25-1)Approved  Action details
2025-0031 19.License Application(s)Summons and complaint against Super Bottle LLC d/b/a/ Super Bottle, 1357 S. 76th St. Agent: Rupinderjit SinghApprovedPass Action details
R-2025-0078 110.ResolutionResolution honoring and commending Rebecca N. Grill for her service as City Administrator for the City of West Allis.Adopted  Action details
O-2025-0006 111.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend speed limit on W. Cleveland Ave. from S. 108th St. to S. 124th St.PassedPass Action details
O-2025-0010 112.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend salary schedule by creating City Clerk and Marketing & Communications Manager positions (Grade N2).PassedPass Action details
R-2025-0063 113.ResolutionResolution approving the appointment of Tracey Uttke to the position of City Clerk.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0064 114.ResolutionResolution to approve the Employment Contract for the position of City Clerk for Tracey Uttke.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0039 115.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Charles Vincent Rooney for property located at 5932 W. Mitchell St. (Tax Key No. 455-0006-000).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0040 116.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Lutz Land Management LLC for property located at 6923 W. Becher St. (Tax Key No. 476-0203-900).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0042 117.ResolutionFinal Resolution authorizing public improvement concrete construction, concrete reconstruction and/or asphalt resurfacing in various locations and levying special assessments against benefited properties.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0043 118.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Schwab Real Estate Investments LLC for property located at 7038-42 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 440-0230-000).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0044 119.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to 9501 Greenfield Avenue LLC for property located at 9505-09 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 450-0042-001).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0051 120.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to The Deco Venues LLC for property located at 7540-46 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 440-0442-000).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0057 121.ResolutionResolution to approve the replacement of the control valve for pump #2 at the 84th Street pump station.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0059 122.ResolutionResolution accepting work of LaLonde Contractors, Inc. for the street reconstruction at S. 65th St. from W. Greenfield Ave. to W. National Ave and S. 66th St. from W. National Ave. to W. Mitchell st. in the City of West Allis and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2022 Project No. 1 for final payment in the amount of $0.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0060 123.ResolutionResolution to accept the proposal of Rainbow Treecare, providing 4% Emamectin Benzoate an Emerald Ash insecticide treatment, for a total net sum of $ 31,898.24.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0061 124.ResolutionResolution to accept the proposals of various nurseries for furnishing and delivering 504 trees for 2025 spring planting for a total net sum of $45,973.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0062 125.ResolutionResolution to approve the Employment Contract for the position of Code Enforcement Director for Dan Adamczyk.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0065 126.ResolutionResolution to approve the quote from AVI Systems Inc for $139,513.50 to modernize the technology in our City Hall conference rooms.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0070 127.ResolutionResolution amending the existing professional services contract with raSmith to provide roadway and signal design services for the City of West Allis for an amount not to exceed $42,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0073 128.ResolutionResolution Authorizing the application of Arts and Humanities Grants Under $5,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0074 129.ResolutionResolution amending the existing professional services contract with raSmith to provide traffic engineering services for the City of West Allis for an amount not to exceed $38,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0075 130.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of Musson Bros., Inc. sanitary sewer connection liners in various locations within the City of West Allis in the amount of $344,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0076 131.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of Visu-Sewer, LLC sanitary sewer lining in various locations within the City of West Allis in the amount of $162,032.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0082 132.ResolutionResolution to rescind real property tax for 6901 W. Beloit Rd. (Tax Key No. 489-0037-000)AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0084 133.ResolutionResolution to add a Senior Accountant position to the Finance Department.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0085 134.ResolutionResolution to accept the proposals of Hein Electric and Graybar Electric, for furnishing and delivering fuses, fuse holders, connectors, wire, cable, and luminaires for a total sum of $135,125.86.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0086 135.ResolutionResolution to authorize the purchase of portable column lifts for the shop in the new Public Works facility from Rotary Lift for $382,141.02.AdoptedPass Action details
2025-0036 136.Municipal Judge ReportDecember 2024 Municipal Judge Report, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $77,262.86.Placed on FilePass Action details
2025-0065 137.ClaimLawsuit regarding a foreclosure of mortgage (2025CV000617) for property at 5642 N. 74th St. Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2025-0067 138.ClaimClaim by Landmark Harmony Housing, LLC for a money judgment for property parcels known as 453-0002-001 & 453-0001-009.Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2025-0615 139.ClaimClaim by Rolando Coria for personal injury sustained on January 22nd, 2025 at S. 62nd St. and W. Burnham St..Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2025-0085 140.ReportFinance Director/Comptroller submitting report for January 2025 indicating City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $8,754,259.27.Placed on FilePass Action details
2025-0117 141.AppointmentAppointment by Mayor Devine of Katrina Biefeld as a member at large to the Public Beautification Committee for a term to expire December 31, 2027.ApprovedPass Action details
2025-0195 142.Municipal Judge ReportJanuary 2025 Municipal Judge Report, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $35,499.98.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2025-0018 143.OrdinanceOrdinance to allow collection of sign maintenance inspection Fees as special charges.Passed  Action details
R-2025-0058 144.ResolutionResolution to adopt the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Water Utility Rate and Rule Order 6360-WR-111.   Action details
R-2025-0045 145.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various sidewalks by concrete reconstruction.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0055 146.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various streets by concrete reconstruction.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0069 150.ResolutionResolution approving a Non-Exclusive Parking Lot Lease Agreement by and between the City of West Allis and The Deco Venues, LLC., which is the owner of the property located at 7546 W. Greenfield Ave., for parking in the City-Owned parking lots located at 7525 W. Greenfield Ave. and 14** S. 75th St.AdoptedPass Action details
2025-0046 147.License Application(s)New Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License for Silly Goose Bar MKE, LLC, d/b/a Silly Goose Bar, 5906 W. Burnham St. Agent: Andrew Ahles. (ALC-25-1) ApprovedPass Action details
R-2025-0067 148.ResolutionResolution authorizing the renewal of software platform from Placer Labs, Inc. in the amount of $26,250 relative to economic development and planning activities, funded through First Industrial Ring Enterprises (FIRE).AdoptedPass Action details
R-2025-0068 149.ResolutionResolution to approve the terms & conditions for an Economic Development Loan to All Goods LLC, d/b/a All Goods, located at 8436 W. Greenfield Ave., in the amount of a $50,000 Economic Development Loan under the Community Development Block Grant Program.AdoptedPass Action details
2024-1265 151.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for Toppers, a proposed restaurant use, at 11045 W. National Ave.Placed on FilePass Action details
2025-0041 152.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for Hidden Lofts, a proposed 5+ Unit Dwelling, at 3000 Block S. 108th St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2025-0042 153.CommunicationConditional Use Permit for CD One Price Cleaners, a proposed Dry-Cleaning use, at 2367 S. 108th St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2025-0204 154.MinutesFebruary 3, 2025 Public Safety Committee Minutes.ApprovedPass Action details
2024-1063 155.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Robert Beierle. (BART-1352)ApprovedPass Action details
2025-0063 156.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Sarah Becker. (BART-1398)ApprovedPass Action details
2025-0064 157.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Jason Smith. (BART-1392)DeniedPass Action details
2025-0512 158.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Hayley Negron. (BART-1403)Denied  Action details