Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/5/2010 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2010-0009 11.ClaimSummons and Complaint in the matter of Citizens Bank of Mukwonago vs. City of West Allis, et al. Pass Action details
2010-0010 12.ClaimNotice of Claim for Damages submitted on behalf of Torsten Guba and Alamo Car Rental regarding vehicle damage and injuries allegedly sustained near the intersection of W. National Ave. and W. Cleveland Ave. on August 24, 2009.  Pass Action details
2010-0016 13.ClaimSummons & Complaint in the matter of HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Trustee for the holders of Nomura Asset Acceptance Corporation, Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2005-WF1 vs. the City of West Allis Department of Development, Housing Division, et al., (Foreclosure of Mortgage, Case No. 09CV019889). Pass Action details
2010-0019 14.ClaimLinda Dekker communication regarding vehicle damage allegedly sustained West on W. National Ave. near S. 68 St. on December 25, 2009. Pass Action details
O-2010-0002 18.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. O-2008-0016 establishing the salary ranges of certain employees in the Executive Service, the Managerial Service, the Deputy Service, and the Confidential, Professional, and Supervisory Service of the City of West Allis for the years 2008-2010 (Director of Public Works/City Engineer).PassedPass Action details
R-2010-0005 19.ResolutionResolution relative to acquiring Revised Municipal Code supplements and services from General Code for a total sum not to exceed $10,000.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0007 110.ResolutionResolution Relative to Revising the E-Mail Record Retention Policy and the Miscellaneous Information Services Items Policy for Inclusion in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0008 111.ResolutionResolution Relating to Renewal of HIPAA Exemption.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0009 112.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Florida Micro for providing internal and external security cameras for City buildings for a net sum of $41,784.70. AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0013 113.ResolutionResolution relative to renewal of the agreement with Wisconsin Community Services, Inc. for West Allis Mediation Center for 2010.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0017 114.CommunicationComptroller/Manager of Finance submitting the report for the month of October, 2009 indicating the City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $4,467,199.98.Approved and Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0018 115.CommunicationComptroller/Manager of Finance submitting the report for the month of November, 2009 indicating the City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $4,366,863.06Approved and Placed on FilePass Action details
2009-0693 116.ClaimNotice of Claim submitted on behalf of Michael R. & Shelly M. Rawski regarding damages allegedly sustained at 3150 S. 48 St. on June 26, 2009.DeniedPass Action details
2009-0750 117.ClaimRandall Charneski communication regarding property damage allegedly sustained at 2432 S. 84 Street on October 6, 2009.DeniedPass Action details
R-2010-0006 15.ResolutionResolution relative to accepting the proposal of Bentley Systems Inc. for providing MicroStation Select Subscription Service for a total net sum of $13,141.00.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0014 16.ResolutionResolution authorizing the purchase of emergency generator through the Wisconsin Division of Federal Property for Water Reservoir and Pumping Station.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0022 17.CommunicationCommunication from Director of Public Works/City Engineer regarding purchasing an emergency generator for the 97th Street water reservoir.Placed on FilePass Action details
R-2010-0001 119.ResolutionResolution approving an increase in the sanitary sewer user charge-MMSD portion.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0004 120.ResolutionResolution approving an increase in the sanitary sewer user charge-City portion. AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0002 121.ResolutionResolution approving an increase in the solid waste fund user charge.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2010-0003 122.ResolutionResolution approving an increase in the stormwater management system user charge.AdoptedPass Action details
2010-0011 123.CommunicationCommunication from David Siebenaller, 2130 S. 60 St., expressing limited support for the reconstruction of S. 60 Street.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0021 124.CommunicationCommunication from Director of Public Works/City Engineer regarding new program sponsored by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for repair of private sanitary sewer laterals.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2010-0001 125.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Create Section 6.017 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Abandoned Shopping Carts.PassedPass Action details
O-2010-0003 126.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Establish Parking Restrictions on Both Sides of the South 595 Feet of the 2200 and 2100 Blocks of S. 91 St.PassedPass Action details
2010-0001 127.CommunicationPetition submitted by the residents of S. 91st Street, between W. National Ave. and W. Lincoln Ave., requesting the southern half of the block to have the following regulated parking: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm, 2 hour parking. Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0003 128.Communication2008 Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Annual Report.Placed on FilePass Action details
O-2009-0037 130.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Create Section 6.017 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Abandoned Shopping Carts.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0012 129.CommunicationCommunication from Kurt D. Wachholz, District Administrator, West Allis-West Milwaukee, et al. School District, and Petition submitted by Irving School parents, staff and community members supporting the efforts of the West Allis/West Milwaukee School District to get stop signs put on both S. 104 St. and W. Grant St.Placed on FilePass Action details
2010-0023 118.RequestAFSCME Local 80 requesting permission to use Klentz Park for a weekend in August for a Local 80 family picnic with beer, soda, food, children's games and other activities.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0006 131.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1611 of M.Y.D. Pegasus, LLC, Maria Goumenos, Agent, d/b/a Pegasus Restaurant, premises located at 7727 W. Greenfield Ave. (new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0007 132.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1613 of Guy M. Robb, LLC, Guy M. Robb, Agent, d/b/a G R's National Pub, premises located at 6827 W. National Ave. (new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
2010-0008 133.License Application(s)2009-2010 Class B Tavern License application no. 1612 of Edan's Enterprise, LLC, Anne Elizabeth Jones, Agent, d/b/a The Store Bar and Grill, premises located at 5801 W. Beloit Rd. (new-existing location).Approved subject to the necessary requirement(s)Pass Action details
O-2010-0004 134.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Subsections 9.15(3)(d), (7)(c)(1) & (7)(d)(1)(b) & (d) of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Pawn Shops, Secondhand Stores, & Secondhand Jewelry Dealers.PassedPass Action details
2010-0004 135.License Application(s)2009-2010 Special Class B Beer and Wine License application(s).ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0014 136.License Application(s)2009-2010 Adult-Oriented Establishment Operator Permit application(s).ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0013 137.Operator (bartender/sales clerk)2009-2010 and 2009-2011 Tavern Operator License applications.ApprovedPass Action details
2010-0005 138.License Application(s)2009-2010 Cigarette License application no. 1610 of HND, Inc. Dineshkumar P. Patel, Agent, d/b/a Cigarette Depot for premises located at 1520 S. 84 St.   Action details
2010-0002 139.RequestCity Administrative Officer, Clerk/Treasurer communication requesting permission to destroy certain records.ApprovedPass Action details