Meeting Name: Safety and Development Committee (INACTIVE) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/17/2007 7:42 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: West Allis City Hall Room 118
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2007-0059 115.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit Application for proposed Walgreen's Pharmacy with a drive thru to be located at 6001 - 6123 W. Greenfield Ave. and 1415 S. 60 St. - 1419 S. 60 St. (Tax Key No. 454-0050-004, 454-0050-003, 454-0060-000, 454-0061-000, 454-0003-000) Pass Action details
2007-0019 116.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit Application for proposed Walgreen's Pharmacy with a drive thru to be located at 6001 - 6111 W. Greenfield Ave. (454-0050-004, 454-0060-000, 454-0061-000, 454-0003-000) Pass Action details
O-2007-0006 117.OrdinanceOrdinance to repeal and recreate Section 13.21 of the Revised Municipal Code relative to a revised sign code. Pass Action details
O-2007-0007 118.OrdinanceOrdinance to repeal and recreate Section 13.215 of the Revised Municipal Code relative to a new sign code for the Central Business District. Pass Action details
R-2007-0103 119.ResolutionResolution to authorize the submittal of a Brownfield Application for the property at 7725 and 7741 W. National Ave. (Pioneer Neighborhood - Laidlaw Site) by the Director of Development and the subsequent appropriation of necessary local matching funds for a Wisconsin Department of Commerce Brownfield Grant in the amount of $750,000. Pass Action details
R-2007-0106 120.ResolutionResolution to rescind Resolution No. R-2007-0096 and to approve the Certified Survey Map submitted by Edwin Santiago and Jessica Kurtzweil, for property located at 8640 W. Arthur Ave. (Tax Key No. 487-9919-006) Pass Action details
R-2007-0110 121.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map for proposed lot split of an industrial parcel located at 11139 W. Becher St., submitted by James Stevenson, Badger Freight. (Tax Key No. 481-9992-005)Held  Action details
2007-0192 122.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map for proposed lot split of an industrial parcel located at 11139 W. Becher St., submitted by James Stevenson, Badger Freight. (Tax Key No. 481-9992-005)Held  Action details
R-2007-0112 123.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map to consolidate two parcels to one lot of record for the Steakhouse 100 restaurant located at 7244-46 and 7240-42 W. Greenfield Ave., submitted by Tom Miller on behalf of Sobczak and Sitowski, LLC. (Tax Key Numbers 440-0344-000 and 440-0345-000).Held  Action details
2007-0215 124.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map to consolidate two parcels to one lot of record for the Steakhouse 100 restaurant located at 7244-46 and 7240-42 W. Greenfield Ave. submitted by Tom Miller on behalf of Sobczak and Sitowski, LLC. (Tax Key Nos. 440-0344-000 and 440-0345-000).Held  Action details
R-2007-0111 125.ResolutionResolution approving a Certified Survey Map for proposed combination of certain properties at the McDonald's restaurant site at 10915 and 109** W. National Ave., submitted by Rich Neubauer, McDonald's Corporation. (Tax Key Nos. 520-9961-002 and 520-9961-003)Held  Action details
2007-0194 126.Certified Survey MapCertified Survey Map for proposed combination of certain properties at the McDonald's restaurant site at 10915 and 109** W. National Ave., submitted by Rich Neubauer, McDonald's Corporation. (Tax Key Nos. 520-9961-002 and 520-9961-003)Held  Action details
2007-0197 127.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed demolition and reconstruction of the existing McDonald's restaurant and playland, located at 10915 and 109** W. National Ave. (Tax Key Nos. 520-9961-002 and 520-9961-003)Held  Action details
R-2007-0088 228.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Application for proposed outdoor storage of asphalt products and a screening plan for the Poblocki Paving Corporation property located at 571-79 S. Curtis Rd. (Tax Key No. 413-9990-002) Pass Action details
2006-0524 129.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed outdoor storage of asphalt products and a screening plan for the Poblocki Paving Corporation property located at 571-79 S. Curtis Rd. (Tax Key No. 413-9990-002). Pass Action details
2007-0198 130.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed fitness center to be located within Toldt's Six Points development at 6501 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 454-0639-000)Held  Action details
2007-0199 131.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed cellular antenna installation at West Allis Memorial Hospital, located at 8901 W. Lincoln Ave. (Tax Key No. 487-9999-001)Held  Action details
2007-0200 132.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit for proposed addition to Fortune Restaurant, an existing business located at 2945 S. 108 St. (Tax Key No. 520-9965-033)Held  Action details
R-2007-0109 133.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit Application for Snap Fitness, a proposed fitness center to be located within the first floor commercial space of The Berkshire, a mixed-use building located at 6405-95 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key Nos. 454-0635-001 and 454-0636-000)  Pass Action details
2007-0155 134.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit Application for Snap Fitness, a proposed fitness center to be located within the first floor commercial space of The Berkshire, a mixed-use building located at 6405-95 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key Nos. 454-0635-001 and 454-0636-000)  Pass Action details