Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/18/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall, Common Council Chambers 7525 W. Greenfield Ave.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available Meeting Extra1: Agenda Packet W/ Bookmarks Agenda Packet W/ Bookmarks  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
2025-1676 11.Public HearingConditional Use Permit for Site, Landscaping, and Architectural Design for Academy of Excellence, a proposed School use, at 6021 W. Lincoln Ave. and 2307-53 S. 60th St. (Tax Key No. 490-9001-000 & 490-9002-000).   Not available
2025-1992 12.CommunicationPublic hearing on alcohol license renewal process.   Not available
2025-1937 13.MinutesMarch 4, 2025 Common Council Minutes.   Not available
O-2025-0029 124.OrdinanceOrdinance to delay effective date of mandatory lead service lateral replacement.   Not available
2025-1833 116.License Application(s)Temporary Public Entertainment (TEMP-25-2) request for Cream City 5K, hosting a one-day event on April 26th, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m., to be held at 2028 S. 124th St. Applicant: Chris Marschka.   Not available
2025-1834 117.ReportFinance Director/Comptroller submitting report for February 2025 indicating City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $3,902,350.14.   Not available
R-2025-0323 18.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Layman Ventures, LLC for property located at 6001 W. Madison St. (Tax Key No. 439-0342-000).   Not available
R-2025-0326 19.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Naus Brewing LLC for property located at 7508 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 440-0445-000).   Not available
R-2025-0327 110.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to 9330 W Lincoln S2 LLC for property located at 9330 W. Lincoln Ave. (Tax Key No. 479-0767-001).   Not available
R-2025-0328 111.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to Audi Properties LLC for property located at 7625-29 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 452-0026-000).   Not available
R-2025-0330 112.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to VSM Properties LLC for property located at 5810 W. Beloit Rd. & 5807-23 W. Burnham St. (Tax Key No. 455-0095-000).   Not available
R-2025-0366 113.ResolutionResolution granting a Privilege to VLC Investments LLC for property located at 7338-46 W. Greenfield Ave. (Tax Key No. 440-0378-000).   Not available
R-2025-0368 114.ResolutionResolution to amend Fee Schedule - updating farmers market stall rental pricing.   Not available
R-2025-0277 16.ResolutionResolution to authorize the Department of Public Works to accept grant funding from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.   Not available
R-2025-0282 17.ResolutionResolution declaring Community Events.   Not available
2025-1988 118.License Application(s)New application for Pawn Shop, Secondhand Stores, and Secondhand Jewelry Dealers for Wally Horngren, 5915 W. Burnham St. (PNSH-25-1)   Not available
2025-1996 119.ClaimClaim by Josiah Hahn for towing fee reimbursement and property damage that occurred on February 13th, 2025 at 2328 S. 78th St.   Not available
2025-2003 120.ClaimClaim by Lora Lewis for property damage that occurred on March 10th, 2025 at 6525 W. Beloit Rd. #13.   Not available
R-2025-0153 14.ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of an Unlocking Capital on Main Street Grant Application through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support economic development efforts to support small business needs in West Allis.   Not available
R-2025-0154 15.ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission for the Year 2025 Supplemental Fund for Eligible Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grant through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to assist on West Allis brownfield redevelopment projects.   Not available
O-2025-0028 123.OrdinanceOrdinance to repeal and recreate provisions related to public health, sanitation, and animals.   Not available
2025-2000 138.CommunicationWest Allis Senior Center Age Friendly Data presentation.   Not available
2025-2001 139.CommunicationSouthwest Suburban Health Department update.   Not available
R-2025-0371 122.ResolutionResolution to approve an agreement with Lime to allow short-term commercial rental of electric scooters to the general public.   Not available
R-2025-0369 115.ResolutionResolution to approve bid of State Contractors Inc. for traffic calming and pedestrian improvements in W. Becher St. from S. 84th St. to S. 87th St. of West Allis in the amount of $92,942.64.   Not available
O-2023-0011 126.OrdinanceOrdinance to Amend Section 19.01 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code, relative to rezoning 6604-20 W. Mitchell St. from I-1 to C-3.   Not available
R-2025-0152 127.ResolutionResolution approving an amendment to the Non-Exclusive Parking Lot Lease Agreement by and between the City of West Allis and The Deco Venues, LLC., which is the owner of the property located at 7546 W. Greenfield Ave., for parking in the City-Owned parking lots located at 7525 W. Greenfield Ave. and 14** S. 75 St.   Not available
R-2025-0155 128.ResolutionResolution to approve the terms & conditions for an Economic Development Loan to Ope Brewing Company LLC, located at 6751 W. National Ave., in the amount of up to $150,000 under the Capital Catalyst Loan Program.   Not available
R-2025-0156 129.ResolutionResolution to approve the terms & conditions for an Economic Development Loan to Bars and Recreation Inc., d/b/a SSBMKE, Inc., located at 6325 W. National Ave., in the amount of $50,000.   Not available
2025-1676 130.Public HearingConditional Use Permit for Site, Landscaping, and Architectural Design for Academy of Excellence, a proposed School use, at 6021 W. Lincoln Ave. and 2307-53 S. 60th St. (Tax Key No. 490-9001-000 & 490-9002-000).   Not available
2025-1990 121.CommunicationDiscussion on the status of federal grant funding - Community Development Block Grant Funding, Housing Choice Voucher, and HOME funds.   Not available
2025-1991 125.CommunicationDiscussion of communication from Milwaukee Sports and Social regarding a partnership for use of space at Liberty Heights Park for various sport leagues.   Not available
2025-1636 131.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Joseph Fiumefreddo. (BART-1404)   Not available
2025-1767 132.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Moises Martinez. (BART-1408)   Not available
2025-1998 133.License Application(s)New Operator's License (Bartender/Class D Operator) application for Melissa Soares. (BART-1417)   Not available
2025-1994 134.License Application(s)Notification of intention not to renew certain retail alcohol licenses and provide licensees with an opportunity for a hearing. Indebtedness to wholesaler - Wis. Stat. 125.33(7)(b) and 125.69(4)(b)) Class A - Cleveland Liquor LLC, DBA Cleveland Liquor, 9131 W. Cleveland Ave., Class A - Taj & Navi Corporation, DBA One Stop West Allis Food & Liquor, 5909 W. Lincoln Ave. Class B - Jagers LLC, DBA Da Bar, 1900 S. 60th St. Failure to submit proof of seller's permit - Wis. Stat. 125.04(5)(a)4. Class B - Steffek LLC, DBA The Drunk Uncle, 1902 S. 68th St.   Not available
O-2025-0028 135.OrdinanceOrdinance to repeal and recreate provisions related to public health, sanitation, and animals.   Not available
R-2025-0291 136.ResolutionResolution in support of legislative bills that allow immediate impoundment of vehicles used for reckless driving.   Not available
R-2025-0151 137.ResolutionResolution to approve shared services review study evaluating the possible creation of a joint fire department with the City of Wauwatosa.   Not available