Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/7/2023 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Common Council Chambers 7525 W. Greenfield Avenue
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Packet with Bookmarks Packet with Bookmarks  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
R-2023-0047 11.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Interim City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various streets by concrete reconstruction.   Action details
2023-0038 12.MinutesJanuary 10, 2023 Common Council Minutes.ApprovedPass Action details
O-2023-0003 13.OrdinanceOrdinance to rescind parking restrictions on the north side of W. Hayes Ave. from S. 107th St. to the alley west of S. 107th St.PassedPass Action details
O-2023-0005 14.OrdinanceOrdinance adjusting start time for minor snow emergency parking from 10PM to Midnight.PassedPass Action details
O-2023-0006 15.OrdinanceOrdinance to rename, eliminate, and reclassify positions with wage and salary adjustments.PassedPass Action details
O-2023-0007 16.OrdinanceOrdinance to adopt parking restrictions on both sides of W. Schlinger Ave. from S. 98th St. to S. 100th St.PassedPass Action details
R-2023-0053 17.ResolutionResolution to accept the proposals of various nurseries for furnishing and delivering 597 trees for spring planting for a total net sum of $63,020.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0067 18.ResolutionResolution to approve an opioid bankruptcy memorandum of understanding.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0095 110.ResolutionResolution to create policy and procedure for bilingual premium pay.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0098 111.ResolutionResolution relating to authorizing the execution of a contract with HCC for stop loss coverage for the plan year from March 1, 2023, to February 29, 2024.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0102 112.ResolutionResolution accepting work of Globe Contractors, Inc. and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2021 Project No. 5 for final payment in the amount of $4,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0103 113.ResolutionResolution accepting work of MP Systems, Inc. and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2021 Project No. 9 for final payment in the amount of $500.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0104 114.ResolutionResolution accepting work of LaLonde Contractors, Inc. and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2021 Project No. 3 for final payment in the amount of $1,000.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0105 115.ResolutionResolution to accept the proposal of Complete Landscape Supply, providing Emerald Ash insecticide treatment, for a total net sum of $40,870.40.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0106 116.ResolutionResolution accepting work of Musson Bros, Inc. and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2021 Project No. 18 for final payment in the amount of $500.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0109 117.ResolutionResolution Amending Engineering Fee Schedule - February 2023.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0110 118.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Manager of Planning and Zoning to enter into a professional services agreement with Community Planning and Development Advisors, LLC.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0112 119.ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Interim City Engineer to enter into a State/Municipal Agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the reconstruction of W. National Ave. from S. 95th St. to S. 108th St.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0113 120.ResolutionResolution to facilitate the purchase of 480 96-gallon garbage carts and 100 96-gallon recycling carts in the amount of $33,698.AdoptedPass Action details
2022-1094 121.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Alisha Mokwinski. Previously scheduled due to police report; incorrect record attached to application. Applicant has no record.ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0040 122.ClaimClaim by Ashlee Estrada regarding property damage at Highway 100 on November 13, 2022. Pass Action details
2023-0050 123.ClaimClaim by McDonalds’s Restaurants of Wisconsin regarding property damage at 8301 W. Greenfield Ave. on November 9, 2022. Pass Action details
2023-0053 124.ClaimClaim by Judy Miller regarding property damage at 5620 W. Beloit Rd. on June 1, 2022.Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2023-0063 125.Municipal Judge ReportDecember 2022 Municipal Judge Report, consisting of all fines, costs and fees collected by the City of West Allis in the sum of $67,101.49.Placed on FilePass Action details
2023-0073 126.AppointmentAppointment by Mayor Devine of Kimberlee Grob, Andrea Kopan and Sarah Lange to the Events Committee for a two-year term to expire January 26, 2025.ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0103 127.AppointmentAppointment by Mayor Devine of Nick Maniaci as the Health Department Representative to the Farmer’s Market Committee for a two-year term to expire February 7, 2025.ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0104 128.ReportFinance Director/Comptroller submitting report for January 2023 indicating City of West Allis checks issued in the amount of $4,564,855.07.Placed on FilePass Action details
2023-0108 129.ClaimClaim by Assessment Reduction Services, LLC on behalf of Aimbridge Hospitality for recovery of unlawful taxes for a portion of 2022 Personal Property Taxes.Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2023-0109 130.ClaimClaim by Assessment Reduction Services, LLC on behalf of Roaring Fork LLC for recovery of unlawful taxes for a portion of 2022 Personal Property Taxes.Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2023-0110 131.ClaimClaim by Assessment Reduction Services, LLC on behalf of Aria at Mitchell Manor LLC for recovery of unlawful taxes for a portion of 2022 Personal Property Taxes.Referred for Legal Action to the City AttorneyPass Action details
2023-0120 132.AppointmentAppointment by Mayor Devine of Ald. Ray Turner to the Board of Health, term to expire January 1, 2024 and re-appointments by Mayor Devine of Kime Abduli, Rick Bassler and Kara Witty to the Fair Housing Board for a three-year term to expire February 7, 2026.ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0121 133.AppointmentRe-appointment by Mayor Devine of Rossie Manka to the Plan Commission as Alternate #2 for a three-year term to expire February 7, 2026.ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0042 134.License Application(s)Class B Tavern Seasonal Temporary Premise and Public Entertainment Extension request for Joe Lynch, d/b/a Lynch’s, 2300 S. 108th St. for outdoor dining with entertainment/music from May 1, 2023 to September 24, 2023. (TEMP 23 1)ApprovedPass Action details
R-2023-0086 19.ResolutionResolution to assign existing licensee matters to the Public Safety Committee Amending Policy # 301.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0093 135.ResolutionResolution approving the Summary of Negotiated Settlement between the City of West Allis and the West Allis Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, Local 342, for 2022-2025.AdoptedPass Action details
O-2023-0010 136.OrdinanceAn ordinance to establish the salaries for certain officers and employees in the fire Department for 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025.Passed  Action details
2023-0057 137.ClaimClaim by CRG Investments regarding liquor license suspension at 8900 W. Greenfield Ave.Referred for Legal Action to the City Attorney  Action details
R-2023-0047 138.ResolutionResolution to confirm and adopt the report of the Interim City Engineer containing the schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of various streets by concrete reconstruction.AdoptedPass Action details
R-2023-0048 139.ResolutionFinal Resolution authorizing public improvement for various streets by concrete reconstruction and levying special assessments against benefited properties.AdoptedPass Action details
2023-0107 140.Discussion ItemDiscussion regarding vacating the alley located on the north side of the 7400 Block of W. Greenfield Ave.   Action details
R-2023-0111 141.ResolutionResolution to approve the dissolution of Tax Incremental District Number Five (Six Points Farmers Market).Adopted  Action details
2023-0101 142.CommunicationCommunication from Economic Development Executive Director Patrick Schloss regarding Planning, Economic Development and Housing Annual Dashboard.Placed on FilePass Action details
2022-1093 143.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Steven Parise. (Third appearance)DeniedPass Action details
2022-1134 144.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Marco Morra. (Second appearance)HeldPass Action details
2023-0033 145.License Application(s)Renewal Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Teresa Rowe-Weasler. (First appearance)ApprovedPass Action details
2023-0036 146.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Brittany Reed. (Second appearance)HeldPass Action details
2023-0061 147.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Tracy Beauchamp. (Second appearance)HeldPass Action details
2023-0106 148.License Application(s)New Class D Operator (Bartender) Application for Delayne Applin. (Third appearance)Held  Action details
2023-0042 134.License Application(s)Class B Tavern Seasonal Temporary Premise and Public Entertainment Extension request for Joe Lynch, d/b/a Lynch’s, 2300 S. 108th St. for outdoor dining with entertainment/music from May 1, 2023 to September 24, 2023. (TEMP 23 1)Approved as AmendedPass Action details
R-2023-0086 19.ResolutionResolution to assign existing licensee matters to the Public Safety Committee Amending Policy # 301.AdoptedPass Action details