Meeting Name: Safety and Development Committee (INACTIVE) Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/7/2010 8:50 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall Room 118
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
O-2010-0029 152.OrdinanceOrdinance to Establish Parking Restriction on the following temporary West Allis Municipal Parking Lot: 61 & Burnham Southeast. Pass Action details
O-2010-0031 153.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Amend Subsection 6.02(9)(b) to add 10 thru 19 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Loitering in Public Places. Pass Action details
O-2010-0033 154.Ordinance Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Section 9.34 of the City of West Allis Revised Municipal Code Requiring Property Owner Registration.Held  Action details
R-2010-0196 155.ResolutionResolution approving a professional services contract for the preparation of demolition specifications, oversight and asbestos assessment for the former Teledyne property located at 1910 S. 53 St.  Pass Action details
R-2010-0197 156.ResolutionResolution to extend the Moratorium within the C-4, Regional Commercial District, on vehicle sales, rental and leasing, including repair, rebuilding and parts, and outdoor display and storage for an additional 90 days. Pass Action details
R-2010-0187 157.ResolutionResolution to extend the Moratorium on Pawn Shops, Secondhand Stores, Secondhand Jewelry Dealers as defined in Section 9.15 of the Revised Municipal Code for an additional 90 days. Pass Action details
2010-0536 158.RequestStephanie Becker request for a variance to Section 9.21(4)(c)3 of the Revised Municipal Code to erect a shelter roof at 10315 W. Greenfield Ave., Lot #830.   Action details
2010-0514 159.RequestRequest by John Ibisch, d/b/a The Corner Bazaar, for an ordinance amendment to Section 12.40 relative to designating 40% of their showroom floor space for resale within the C-1 Central Business District. Pass Action details
2010-0509 160.CommunicationCommunication from The Corner Bazaar requesting an ordinance amendment to designate up to 40% of their showroom floor space for resale within the Business Improvement District. Pass Action details
2010-0444 161.CommunicationCommunications in favor of The Corner Bazaar having a resale shop at 7546 W. Greenfield Ave. Pass Action details
2010-0532 162.CommunicationCommunication from the Downtown West Allis Business Improvement District relative to being unable to endorse The Corner Bazaar's request to amend an ordinance to allow for second-hand retail within the Business Improvement District. Pass Action details
2010-0482 163.CommunicationCommunication from The Corner Bazaar requesting an ordinance amendment to sell used clothing, furniture and/or appliances currently not permitted in the C-1, Central Business District. Pass Action details
O-2010-0018 164.OrdinanceAn Ordinance to Repeal Subsections 12.13(3)(a)3 and 12.13(3)(b)4 of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relating to Architectural Review and Site Review for New Single Family Residential Construction.Held  Action details
O-2010-0030 165.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend Subsections 12.06 and 12.17(2)(a)(b)(d) of the Revised Municipal Code relative to home occupations. Pass Action details
O-2010-0032 166.OrdinanceOrdinance to amend the official West Allis Zoning Map by removing the Planned Development District Commercial PDD-2 overlay for 10537 and 10635 W. Greenfield Ave. (former Harry's True Value) and reverting to the underlying Zoning C-3 Community Commercial District. Pass Action details
R-2010-0199 167.ResolutionResolution relative to the determination of Special Use Permit to establish Empower Credit Union, a financial institution with drive-thru facilities to be located at 10635 W. Greenfield Ave. (former Harry's True Value).    Action details
2010-0513 168.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit to establish Empower Credit Union, a financial institution with drive-thru facilities to be located at 10635 W. Greenfield Ave. (former Harry's True Value). Pass Action details
R-2010-0198 169.ResolutionResolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit to establish an educational institution for independent living within the existing facilities of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church located at 11709 W. Cleveland Ave. Pass Action details
2010-0512 170.Special Use PermitSpecial Use Permit to establish an educational institution for independent living within the existing facilities of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church located at 11709 W. Lincoln Ave. Pass Action details