Resolution Relative to Adopting a Cellular Phone Use Policy for all City Departments for Inclusion in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual.
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis has developed a policy to address cellular phone use for employees on City business or for personal use as recommended by the City's Insurance Company, Cities and Villages Mutual Insurance Company; and
WHEREAS, said policy shall be mandatory for all City departments; and
WHEREAS, said policy was never previously adopted for inclusion in the City's Policies & Procedures Manual; and
WHEREAS, it is beneficial to implement a city-wide cellular phone use policy to address use of cellular phones on City business and for personal use while driving and operating City equipment or personal vehicles; and
WHEREAS, it is beneficial for said policy to be included in the City's Policies & Procedures Manual; and
WHEREAS, the City's Executive Safety Committee has reviewed said policy and recommended approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the attached Cellular Phone Use Policy be and is hereby approved for inclusion in the City's Policies & Procedures Manual.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrative Officer is authorized and directed to include such policy in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual and distribute said policy to all departments, divisions, and offices.