Resolution to impose a temporary moratorium on warehousing, self-storage uses, vehicle and equipment sales and/or rental within an area east of State Highway 100 (STH100) to the existing railroad right-of-way and from W. Washington St. to the north City limits
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis zoning ordinance currently allows such uses as permitted by right or as a special use within section 12.45 of the Revised Municipal Code; and,
WHEREAS, the City is in the process of a zoning ordinance update and zoning map amendments. Furthermore, the City has recently conducted a West Allis Highway 100 Corridor Plan that was developed to provide a long-term vision and redevelopment strategy for the corridor, inclusive of the subject boundaries of this moratorium; and,
WHEREAS, the City has no intention of permanently withholding the grant of such uses to any qualified person, but seeks only a brief and temporary interval to consider the existing zoning and future and land use vision for the Highway 100 Corridor including lands located within an area east of State Highway 100 (STH100) to the existing railroad right-of-way and from W. Washington St. to the north City limits; and,
WHEREAS, it is in the City's interest to put all future permit applications for new warehousing, self-storage uses, vehicle and equipment sales and/or rental within an area east of State Highway 100 (STH100) to the existing rail road right-of-way and from W. Washington St. to the north City limits on hold until the further consideration by the Common Council of potential amendments to the zoning ordinance, future zoning and land use map are introduced and acted upon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that a moratorium be imposed on the granting and issuing of all aforementioned permits for new warehousing, self-storage uses, vehicle and/or equipment sales and rental within an area east of State Highway 100 (STH100) to the existing railroa...
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