Legislative Files - Main Workspace - File ID
The File ID is a unique tracking number that is added to Items. There are several ways that these can be set up.
Best Practice: Each file type (except for Zoning Items) get a generic tracking number (13-021). Resolutions and Ordinances will have their Ordinance/Resolution Number (Enactment Number) added to the file after the Item is Approved. Zoning Items typically don't get a number because they already have a case number assigned by their own tracking software. They should manually type that number in.
Alternate 1: Resolutions and Ordinances receive a formal Resolution/Ordinance Number when they are first created. Other file types receive a generic tracking number. If any of the other types can receive a custom number.
Alternate 2: All files are given a temporary number when the item is first created. After a draft agenda is created, the Clerk has Legistar assign ID numbers at that point.