Resolution relative to determination of Special Use Permit for a proposed International Auto Audi Dealership to be located at 10606 W. Arthur Ave.
WHEREAS, Ralph Mauro and Tom Dexter on behalf of RGM Properties LLC/International Autos, duly filed with the City Administrative Officer-Clerk/Treasurer an application for a Special Use Permit, pursuant to Sec. 12.16 and Sec. 12.43(2) of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of West Allis, for a building addition and other site changes to establish a proposed International Auto Audi Dealership to be located at 10606 W. Arthur Ave.; and,
WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing was held by the Common Council on December 20, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. in the Common Council Chambers to consider the application; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council, having carefully considered the evidence presented at the public hearing and the following pertinent facts, noted:
1. The applicant, Ralph Mauro and Tom Dexter on behalf of RGM Properties, LLC/International Autos has offices at 2300 Lehigh Ste. 245, Glenview, IL 60026, and at 2400 S. 108 St., West Allis, WI 53227.
2. The applicant, RGM Properties, LLC/ International Autos, owns the property at 10606 W. Arthur Ave., West Allis, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows:
All the land of the owner being located in the Northwest ΒΌ of Section 8, Township 6 North, Range 21 East, City of West Allis, Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin describes as follows:
Parcel 2 of Certified Survey Map No. 5168.
Tax Key No. 485-0054-005
Said land being located at 10606 W. Arthur Ave.
3. The applicant is proposing to demolish a portion of the building to make way for two new building additions; a showroom addition on the front/south side of the building and a service entry addition on the side/east side of the building. The site landscaping will be brought into compliance with the 20% requirement, while the majority of the parking lot are...
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