Ordinance to Adopt the City of West Allis 2040 Comprehensive Plan
The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
PART I. Pursuant to Sec. 62.23(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the City of West Allis is authorized to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan as defined in Sec. 66.1001(2) of Wisconsin Statutes.
PART II. The planning process was open to the public and efforts were made to assure broad participation to establish the goals and elements considered for and contained within the plan in compliance with Sec. 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
PART III. On February 17, 2021, the City of West Allis Common Council held a public hearing on the “City of West Allis 2040 Comprehensive Plan,” in compliance with the requirements of Sec. 66.1001(4) of Wisconsin Statutes.
PART IV. The Plan Commission of the City of West Allis by a majority vote of the entire Commission recorded in its official minutes, has adopted a resolution recommending to the City Council the passage/enactment of the document entitled “City of West Allis 2040 Comprehensive Plan,” containing all of the elements specified in Sec. 66.1001(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
PART V. The West Allis Common Council does, by enactment of this ordinance, formally adopt the document entitled “City of West Allis 2040 Comprehensive Plan,” pursuant to Sec. 66.1001(4) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
PART VI. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage by a majority vote of the members-elect of the Common Council and publication/posting as required by law.
cc: Planning & Zoning Program
City Attorney’s Office
Public Hearing Item - Approve