Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to enter into a professional services agreement with City Water, LLC., for Engineering Consulting Services for Assistant Pumping Station Operator for a total sum not to exceed $25,000.
WHEREAS, the Assistant Pumping Station operator position is currently vacant and the services offered by City Water LLC, will temporarily provide staffing support and evaluate the future needs of Pumping Station positions and operations; and
WHEREAS, the operations of the City water system require staff to oversee and administer the day-to-day operations of the pumping stations and water towers; and
WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has received a proposal to enter into a professional services agreement with City Water LLC to provide consulting services for the Assistant Pumping Station Operator; and
WHEREAS, the City Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the agreement; and
WHEREAS, City Water, LLC is actively communicating with water staff to determine the immediate and future needs of the Water Division.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the Director of Public Works is authorized to enter into a professional services agreement with City Water, LLC for a total sum not to exceed $25,000 for a period not to exceed 90 days, unless otherwise extended by the Director of Public Works.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds for this service will be charged to 501-2602-537-3004 (Source of Supply and Pumping Expenses, Professional Services-Other) and will be covered by staffing vacancies.