Resolution acknowledging the Common Council's support of the efficient financial management and operation of the City's Sanitary Sewer Utility and authorizing the Director of Public Works to submit the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has required municipalities to submit a "Compliance Maintenance Annual Report" for their Sanitary Sewer Collection System for 2008 which necessitates a review of both the financial and operational efficiencies of the system; and,
WHEREAS, both a "Financial Management" and "Sanitary Sewer Collection System" questionnaire must be completed and submitted to the DNR by June 30, 2009 reflecting the system's status in 2008; and,
WHEREAS, deficiencies in either the "financial" and/or operation of the "Collection" system must be identified in a Resolution to the municipality's Common Council: and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council must commit to taking the actions necessary to addressing these deficiencies if either section of the report are found to have a grade of "C" or lower; and,
WHEREAS, following the completion of both the "Financial Management" and "Sanitary Sewer Collection System" questionnaire, the City of West Allis scored an "A" on both sections; and,
WHEREAS, sufficient funds to adequately support the capital and operating expenditures necessary to maintain an efficient operation will continue to be requested annually in the Sanitary Sewer Utility Budget.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of West Allis supports the efficient management and operation of the West Allis Sanitary Sewer Utility and authorizes the Director of Public Works to submit the "Compliance Maintenance Annual Report" to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.