Resolution to repeal and recreate the City of West Allis Policies and Procedures Manual Policy No. 1414, Identification Cards.
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual No. 1414, Identification Cards, was last revised by the Common Council on March 3, 2015, to address the general standards and responsibilities for the acceptable use of city employee identification cards; and
WHEREAS, the role of identification cards continues to evolve and it is necessary to update the policy to adapt to such changes; and
WHEREAS, the recreated Identification Cards policy will be relocated to the Communications section of the Policies & Procedures Manual as Policy No. 205, Identification Cards.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual Policy No. 1414, Identification Cards, is hereby repealed and recreated as Policy No. 205, and presented in the attached.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized and directed to include the recreated Policy No. 205 in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual and distribute said policy to all departments, divisions, and offices.