Resolution authorizing the purchase of three (3) ambulances for a total sum of approximately $736,000.
WHEREAS, the West Allis Fire Department is in need of replacing three (3) ambulances; and
WHEREAS, the West Allis Fire Department worked collaboratively with the Milwaukee Fire Department towards a joint purchase to establish a standardized ambulance design that benefits both agencies in support of their mutual aid partnership; and
WHEREAS, the Police and Fire Commission approved the purchase of these three ambulances on November 17, 2016; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department utilized the HGAC Purchasing Cooperative to obtain competitive pricing in accordance with public purchasing requirements; and
WHEREAS, the pricing from North Central Ambulance Sales and Service totaling $710,977, provided through HGAC, is deemed to be in the best interests of the City of West Allis; and
WHEREAS, the pricing from North Central Ambulance Sales and Service expires December 31, 2016, resulting in a 5% increase, or approximately $35,000 increase if the purchase is made after that date; and
WHEREAS, additional costs including wireless network equipment and Stryker EMS cot retrofits totaling approximately $25,023 will also be required to complete the ambulances and put them into service; and
WHEREAS, payment for the ambulances will be required upon delivery; and
WHEREAS, North Central Ambulance will deliver two (2) ambulances in 2017 and one (1) ambulance in 2018; and
WHEREAS, funding for the ambulances will be provided by the Fire Department's Capital Accumulation funds in 2017 and 2018; and
WHEREAS, any shortfall in the Fire Department's Capital Accumulation funds will be covered by an anticipated surplus in the Department's salary accounts in 2016 and 2017.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the purchase of three (3) ambulances and the related equipment is hereby approved.
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