Resolution to amend the City’s fee schedule by adding recycling cart pricing and waiver fee for curbside/alley edge garbage and recycling collection to the Public Works fee section.
WHEREAS, to ensure that the City collects the full cost of each recycle cart and avoids subsidizing the cost of each recycle cart with taxpayer dollars, the City shall charge the full cost of each recycle cart to the persons who receive one; and
WHEREAS, the price of each recycling cart changes with each order, so it is important to provide flexibility so the city clerk may update the fee amount as prices change; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works Sanitation and Street Division provides a waiver from curbside/alley edge garbage and recycling collection services to those who qualify for a medical exemption; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works will collect for those residences that are verified of the medical exemption to receive collection of refuse and recycling services at or near the residential dwelling at the specified annual fee; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the fee schedule is approved.