Resolution to Impose a Moratorium on Check Cashing, Payday and Cash Loan/Advance Services and Similar Short-Term Credit Establishments.
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis has currently issued thirteen (13) special use permits for check cashing, payday and cash loan/advance services and similar short-term credit establishments in as many locations in the City of West Allis; and,
WHEREAS, there is currently at least one additional application pending for such special use; and,
WHEREAS, the Department of Development has been directed by the West Allis Common Council and various alderpersons to draft a proposed ordinance to amend the terms, conditions and restrictions under which such special uses are to be granted; and,
WHEREAS, the members of the West Allis Common Council have discussed the problems associated with said establishments; and,
WHEREAS, it is in the City's interest to put all current and future applications for new check cashing, payday and cash loan/advance services and similar short-term credit establishments on hold until the proposed ordinance is introduced and acted upon.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that a moratorium be imposed on the granting and issuing of all aforementioned special use permits for a period of three months.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the moratorium may be extended by the Common Council for up to an additional three months if review of the proposed ordinance is still pending.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said moratorium shall not apply to renewal applications for the same address as long as the location of the establishment remains the same.