Resolution relative to request for Waiver from Trans 75 Requirements for Bicycle Accommodations for South 76th Street Resurfacing Project.
WHEREAS, The City of West Allis (City) has been working toward the resurfacing of South 76th Street, Project ID 2160-14-00, in conjunction with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), since September 5, 2008, and
WHEREAS, WisDOT has enacted Administrative Code Chapter Trans 75, Bikeways and Sidewalks in Highway Projects, effective January 1, 2011, which would require bicycle accommodations on South 76th Street from West Greenfield Avenue to West Pierce Street where they were not previously planned, and
WHEREAS, The City believes WisDOT should grant a waiver from this requirement because the cost to provide bicycle accommodations exceeds 20 percent of the total project cost, pursuant to Section 75.04, Excessive Cost, of Administrative Code Chapter Trans 75.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of West Allis does hereby request a waiver from the bicycle accommodation requirements of Administrative Code Chapter Trans 75 on the portion of South 76th Street from West Greenfield Avenue to West Pierce Street for the reasons stated in this resolution.