Resolution authorizing the City Engineer to amend an existing agreement with Barrientos Design & Consulting, Inc. for additional Architectural Consulting Services related to the consolidation of City buildings in an amount not to exceed $24,295 and approving an Engineering Department Fund Transfer and Amending the 2021 Capital Improvement Program.
WHEREAS, The West Allis Common Council previously authorized several amendments to the Professional Service contract with Barrientos Design & Consulting, Inc. related to Site Selection, Facility Programing and a Time Management Study for the City's DPW Municipal Garage and City Hall; and,
WHEREAS, the City will need further assistance from Barrientos Design & Consulting, Inc. for additional Architectural Consulting Services to develop a feasibility study for combining the facilities at City Hall, Library, Health, Fire Administration and Senior Center into the existing Library at 7421 West National Avenue in an amount not to exceed $24,295; and,
WHEREAS, the City intends to apply for the Neighborhood Investment Fund and the Healthcare Infrastructure Capital Grant Program which are both funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act and will be administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA); and,
WHEREAS, The City Engineer has identified other projects in the 2021 Capital Improvement Program budget with excess funds that can be used to fund these expenses. The projects proposed to be used to transfer their excess funding are:
1. 86th Street = $12,147
2. Dakota Street = $12,148
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the fund transfers be and hereby are approved to utilize available Capital Project Fund Balances in account number 350-6008-531.75-01 (Streets) to pay for the amounts that need to be paid from the budgeted amount for 2021 Capital Projects.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2021 Capital Improvement Program be and hereby is approv...
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