Resolution relative to Rescinding Resolution No. R-2003-0165 Relating to the Notice of Hearing for the Vacation and Discontinuance of a Portion of the Alley East of South 65th Street Between West Greenfield Avenue and West National Avenue.
WHEREAS, Resolution No. R-2003-0165, adopted May 20, 2003, approved the Notice of Hearing for the Vacation and Discontinuance of a Portion of the Alley East of South 65th Street Between West Greenfield Avenue and West National Avenue; and,
WHEREAS, the Notice of Hearing contained the incorrect name of the official City newspaper, publication dates and the date of the Hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that Resolution No. R-2003-0165 is hereby rescinded.
ATTR-VacNotHearing Rescind-Portion Alley S 65 St