Ordinance to amend the official West Allis Future Land Use Map within the City's Comprehensive Plan (Chapter 10 Land Use) from Industrial and Office to Commercial Land Use
WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 66.1001 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the City has prepared the Land Use Map Amendment, which indicates that no political subdivision may adopt an ordinance amending the Comprehensive Plan unless the political subdivision holds at least one public hearing at which the proposed ordinance is discussed; and
WHEREAS, The planning process was open to the public and numerous efforts were made to assure the broadest participation to establish the goals and elements considered for and contained within the plan in compliance with Sec. 66.1001 of the Wisconsin State Statutes.
WHEREAS, the amendments within this ordinance have been submitted to the city plan commission for recommendation and report, published as a class one notice, on the subject of a public hearing;
NOW THEREFORE, the common council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
SECTION 1: AMENDMENT The 2030 Future Land Use map identified in Chapter 10 of the City of West Allis Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as follows to re-designate the Future Land Use Map from "Industrial and Office" to "Commercial" land use classification for the following properties:
1. 6500 W. Washington St., (Tax Key Nos. 439-0001-037)
2. 1323 S. 65 St., (Tax Key Nos. 439-0139-002)
3. 1339-1347 S. 65 St. (439-0140-001)
SECTION 2: LAND USE MAP UPDATE The 2030 Future Land Use Map shall be updated to depict the amendments within this ordinance as indicated on Exhibit A.
SECTION 3: EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the required approval and publication according to law.
Safety & Development recommended Passage as Amended - Ald. Lajsic recused. (Amended to remove 1339-1...
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