Resolution authorizing a land contract for temporary acquisition by and between the City of West Allis and Toldt Development, Inc. for the 700 Properties located within Six Points/Farmers Market Redevelopment Area.
WHEREAS the Community Development Authority of the City of West Allis (the “CDA”) transferred ownership of the 700 properties, located within the Six Points/Farmers Market Redevelopment Area as indicated on the map hereby attached, to Toldt Development Inc. on May 19, 2006; and,
WHEREAS the CDA by resolution approved authorization of a land contract for temporary acquisition by and between the CDA and Toldt Development, Inc. for the 700 Properties located within Six Points/Farmers Market Redevelopment Area on June 10, 2008, and;
WHEREAS the City of West Allis (the “City”) received a 2008 U.S. EPA Brownfield Clean-up Grant in the amount of $200,000 that will assist the City in paying for environmental issues associated with the redevelopment of the 700 properties (i.e. underground parking and foundry sand); and,
WHEREAS the U.S. EPA Brownfield Clean-up grant requires site ownership by June 30, 2008; and,
WHEREAS the transfer of the property comprised of the 700 properties from Toldt Development, Inc. to the City of West Allis will be in the form of a land contract for the sum of $1.00.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the Resolution authorizing a land contract for temporary acquisition by and between the City of West Allis and Toldt Development, Inc. for the 700 Properties located within Six Points/Farmers Market Redevelopment Area be and is hereby approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be and is hereby authorized to make such substantive changes, modifications, additions and deletions to and from the various provisions of the Amendment, including any and all attachments, exhibits, addendums and amendments, as may be necessary and proper to correct in...
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