Resolution to approve a contract with Ramboll for providing remedial oversight assistance at the former City waste transfer station site located at 5032 W. Rogers St. for the construction of the new public works facility located at 1906 S. 53rd St., in an amount not to exceed $15,700.
WHEREAS, the property at 5032 W. Rogers St. (the "property') is a brownfield site based on environmental impacts and its historic use for incineration and transfer of residential waste materials; and,
WHEREAS, the City plans to construct a new Public Works facility at the property; and,
WHEREAS, based on the soil conditions and environmental impacts, professional consultant services are required to manage the soil management and necessary construction service activities to meet WDNR requirements to address environmental concerns; and,
WHEREAS, the City Engineer and Economic Development Director recommend the City enter into a professional services contract to expedite the site work and construction work of the new Public Works Facility.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that it hereby approves a contract with Ramboll environ for providing remedial oversight assistance at the former City waste transfer station site for the construction of the new Public Works Facility located at 1906 S. 53rd St., in an amount not to exceed $15,700.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be and is hereby authorized to make such non-substantive changes, modifications, additions and deletions to and from the various provisions of the contract, including any and all attachments, exhibits, addendums and amendments, as may be necessary and proper to correct inconsistencies, eliminate ambiguity and otherwise clarify and supplement said provisions to preserve and maintain the general intent thereof, and to prepare and deliver such other and further documents as may be reasonably necessary to complete the transactions contemplated therein...
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