Resolution approving 2020 Engineering Department fund transfers and amending the 2020 Capital Improvement Program
WHEREAS, On November 19, 2019 the Common Council approved the 2020 Capital Improvement Program, dated November 5, 2019, as amended on November 12, 2019 and approved the funding in R-2019-0850; and
WHEREAS, Certain capital improvement projects in the City are in need of a modification to their budgets due to higher than expected bids and the initiation and acceleration of certain new projects by outside agencies; and
WHEREAS, The projects proposed to be modified or added and the funding amounts required are as follow; and
1. Police Department Chiller = $71,699
2. WisDOT's Hwy 100 Resurfacing = $350,000
3. WisDOT's National Avenue (82nd to 76th) Reconstruction = $200,613
4. Milwaukee/West Allis Alley Reconstruction (65th - S. 66th: Arthur - Harrison) = $13,000
5. Grant Street (60th to 65th) Reconstruction = $218,777
6. WisDOT's Lincoln Avenue (93rd to 95th) Reconstruction = $27,000
WHEREAS, The City Engineer has decided to cancel certain other proposed projects in the 2020 Capital Improvement Program budget to fund these additions and modifications; and
WHEREAS, The projects proposed to be canceled and their respective funding are as follows; and
1. 86th Street = $606,000
2. Dakota Avenue = $427,000
3. Water Main Relay = $324,000
WHEREAS, Staff is recommending approval to utilize available Capital Project Fund Balances in account numbers 350-6008-531.31-01 (Streets); 501-2901-537.31-01 (Water Funds); 510-3803-536.31-01 (Sanitary Funds) and 540-1807-538.31-01 (Storm Funds) to pay for the amounts that need to be paid over the budgeted amount for 2020 Capital Projects.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the fund transfers be and hereby are approved.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Capital Improvement Program be and hereby is approved as amended.
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