Resolution authorizing the Director of Public Works to enter into an agreement with Honeywell Inc. to perform an Energy Efficiency Feasibility Study with funding to be provided by Focus on Energy Grant Funds.
WHEREAS, in 1997 the City of West Allis entered into an Agreement with Honeywell Inc. to implement a performance contract for identifying needed building system equipment improvements having energy, operational and cost savings potential; and,
WHEREAS, the performance contract guaranteed that the costs associated with the implementation of these energy savings measures would be totally funded by energy cost reductions in the ten year period of the agreement; and,
WHEREAS, these savings have been realized; and
WHEREAS, new technologies have now been introduced into the market place which may provide an opportunity for additional energy saving initiatives; and,
WHEREAS, Honeywell has proposed to furnish feasibility services and assistance on engineering and design for the installation of new energy saving equipment and systems; and,
WHEREAS, the cost of providing these described services shall be paid in full by grant funds received from a Focus on Energy Study Grant fund, as described in the attached letter from Honeywell dated June 14, 2007.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Common Council of the City of West Allis authorizes the Director of Public Works to enter into an agreement with Honeywell, Inc., to provide the services described in the attached proposal dated May 22, 2007.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of the entire contract shall be paid by funds received from a Focus on Energy Study Grant.