Resolution ordering preliminary plans and specifications together with a schedule of proposed assessments for improvement of area bounded by S. 56 St. to S. 70 St. and North City Limits to W. Burnham St. by miscellaneous sidewalk repair.
WHEREAS, It is proposed to improve the sidewalk as hereinafter described.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Common Council of the City of West Allis:
1. In the judgment of the Common Council it is necessary and in the best interests of the City and the property affected thereby that area bounded by S. 56 St. to S. 70 St. and North City Limits to W. Burnham St. be improved by miscellaneous sidewalk repair.
2. The Common Council declares its intention to exercise its police power under Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 66, Subchapter VII, to levy special assessments upon property for the foregoing municipal purposes. The limits of the proposed assessment district shall be generally the property abutting the sidewalk proposed to be improved.
3. The total amount assessed against each parcel in the assessment district shall be upon a reasonable basis as determined by the Common Council.
4. Assessments may be paid in full or any portion thereof, without interest, not later than 30 days following the billing date, or with applicable interest added on the next tax roll, or in five annual installments, or in ten annual installments, in accordance with Resolution No. 17095.
5. The Director of Public Works/City Engineer is hereby directed to prepare and file in the City Clerk/Treasurer's office the reports described in Section 66.0703(5) of the Wisconsin Statutes, consisting of:
a. Preliminary plans and specifications for said improvements;
b. An estimate of the entire cost of the proposed improvements;
c. Schedule of proposed assessments.
6. Notice shall be given and a hearing conducted by the Common Council in accordance with the provisions of Section 66.0703(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes.
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