Resolution approving the Project Area Boundaries and Redevelopment Plan for the 68th & Mitchell Redevelopment Area, and declaring such area to be a blighted area in need of a redevelopment project.
WHEREAS, for exercise of powers granted and the acquisition and disposition of real property in a project area pursuant to Sections 66.1333 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Community Development Authority of the City of West Allis ("Authority") is required to designate the boundaries of such proposed project area and to submit such boundaries to the Common Council for approval and for a declaration that such area is a blighted area in need of a blight elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal project; and,
WHEREAS, the Authority has by CDA Resolution Nos. 1050 and 1051, adopted on April 8, 2014, designated boundaries (attached as Exhibit A) and approved a Redevelopment Plan (attached as Exhibit B) for the proposed 68th & Mitchell Redevelopment Area and has requested that the Common Council adopt a resolution by a two-thirds (2/3) majority as required pursuant to Section 66.1333 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis as follows:
1. The boundaries designated by the Authority for the proposed 68th & Mitchell Redevelopment Plan, attached as Exhibit B, which area is shown and more precisely described in the Redevelopment Plan Boundary Exhibit A, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof (the "Project Area"), be and hereby are, in all respects, approved; and,
2. That it be and is hereby determined and declared that the above-described Project Area which by reason of the presence of a substantial number of substandard, slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures, faulty lot layouts in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness, unsanitary or unsafe conditions, diversity of ownership, deterioration of site and other improvements, under utilization of land...
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