Ordinance to amend Subsection 12.06 Definitions and Subsection 12.10 General Provisions relative of the Revised Municipal Code relative to motor vehicle and small engine repair in residential districts
The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
PART I. Subsection 12.06, Definitions, of the Revised Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
12.06 Definitions.
Garage, Private. Garage, Private. An accessory attached or detached building designed and used primarily for the storage and parking of vehicles owned and operated by the occupants of the lot on which the building is located. Vehicle repair is prohibited in a private garage and which is not a separate commercial enterprise available to the general public.
PART II. Subsection 12.10(16), of the General Provisions, of the Revised Municipal Code is hereby amended and created to read as follows:
12.10 General Provisions
(16) Motor vehicle and small engine repair in residential districts shall be allowed when accessory to a principal residential use. Compliance with all other regulations of this chapter and all provisions of this code relating to odors, smoke, dust or noise, or the open storage of materials or equipment.
Motor vehicle and small engine repair or servicing is permitted within a private garage when conducted under the following standards:
1. The motor vehicle repaired, serviced or maintained is owned by a person who resides on the lot.
2. Not more than one motor vehicle shall be repaired, serviced or maintained at any one time.
3. The removal of any vehicle components, including but not limited to engines, transmissions, radiators, wheel assemblies, doors and hoods, shall be performed only within an enclosed garage and out of view of the general public. All vehicle parts, components and repair tools shall be stored within an enclosed garage and kept out of view of the general public. Junk yards shall not...
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