Resolution Relative to Adopting a New Policy in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual for the Naming and Renaming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets.
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis adopted Resolution No. 25145 on December 3rd, 1996, regarding the Naming and Renaming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets; and,
WHEREAS, the City wishes to expand this procedure and include it in the City's Policies & Procedures Manual under Common Council as Section 308, Naming and Renaming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the attached Naming and Renaming of Public Buildings, Facilities and Streets Policy, Section No. 308, be and is hereby approved for inclusion in the City's Policies & Procedures Manual.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrative Officer, Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to include such policy in the City of West Allis Policies & Procedures Manual and distribute said policy to all departments, divisions and offices.
ATTR-Adopt Policy No 308-P&P Manual