Resolution relative to determination of an Application for a Special Use Permit for a proposed event space, to be located at 1139 S. 70 St.
WHEREAS, West Quarter West, LLC c/o Cobalt Partners, LLC, duly filed with the City Clerk an application for a Special Use Permit, pursuant to Sec. 12.16 and Sec. 12.42(2) of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of West Allis, to establish event space within an existing building located at 1139 S. 70 St.; and,
WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing was held by the Common Council on March 3, 2020 at 7:00 p.m., in the Common Council Chambers to consider the application; and,
WHEREAS, the Common Council, having carefully considered the evidence presented at the public hearing and the following pertinent facts noted:
1. The applicant, West Quarter West, LLC c/o Cobalt Partners, LLC, owns the property located at 1139 S. 70 St.
2. The proposed event space is located within the existing building located at 1139 S. 70 St., West Allis, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
All the land of the owner being located in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 7 North, Range 21 East, City of West Allis, Milwaukee County, State of Wisconsin, describes as follows:
Lots 32, 33, 34 and parts of Lots 31 and 35, more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 31; thence Northerly, 13.13 feet, along West right-of-way line of South 70th Street, to the Point of Beginning; thence Westerly, 120.00 feet, to the East edge of public alley; thence Northerly, 133.74 feet along said East edge; thence Easterly, 84.05 feet; thence Southerly, 2.85 feet; thence Easterly, 35.90 feet to the West right-of-way line of South 70th Street; thence Southerly, 130.95 feet, along said West line to the Point of Beginning.
Tax Key No. 440-0257-002
Said land being located at 1139 S. 70 St.
3. The applicant proposes to establish an event venue within an approximate 10...
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