An Ordinance to Amend Section 13.255 of the Revised Municipal Code Regarding Permit Fees.
The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
PART I. Section 13.255 of the Revised Municipal Code is hereby amended to read:
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13.255 Permit Fees.
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(2) Building permits associated with one and two-family use properties and mobile homes.
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(m) Plan Review*
1. New construction - includes Department of Commerce UDC energy review & permit seal. . . .$500.00
2. Additions . . .$100.00
3. Alterations and Remodeling
- Minor Alterations . . .$ 30.00
- Major Alterations . . .$ 50.00
* The building inspector may waive a plan review fee.
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(3) Building permits for multi-family (3 units or more), condominiums, commercial, manufacturing/industrial, and institutional use properties.
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(l) Plan Review*
1. State Dept. of Commerce approved plan . . .$100.00
2. Minor alterations . . .$ 50.00
3. Alteration or remodel . . .$100.00
4. New construction, addition, major alteration by area
- up to 5,000 sq. ft. . . .$250.00
- 5,001 to 20,000 sq. ft. . . .$400.00
- greater than 20,000 sq. ft. . . .$500.00
5. Accessory building . . .$100.00
6. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
- State Dept. of Commerce approved plan . . .$ 50.00
- Minor alterations . . .$ 50.00
- All other . . .$ 75.00
7. Revisions to an approved plan . . .$ 75.00
* The building inspector may waive a plan review fee.
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(17) Priority Plan Review. The fee for a priority plan review, which expedites completion of the plan review for building permit issuance in less than the normal processing time after the plan submission is complete and the plan is considered ready for review shall be three (3) times the fee specified in this fee schedule except for State Department of Commerce approved plans which shall be five (5) times the fee specified. Review will be completed in three (3) business days or less. The permit issuance may be held until other municipal agencies have authorized issuance.
(18) Plan Examination Rejection. Plans that contain substantial errors or omissions may be rejected. A second submission and plan examination fee may be required for re-examination of a plan that has been rejected.
(19) Plan Examination Code Consultant.
(a) The fee for code consultation regarding the Uniform Dwelling Code shall be $75 per hour or fraction thereof.
(b) The fee for code consultation regarding the Wisconsin Enrolled Commercial Building Code shall be $150 per hour or fraction thereof.
(20) State Modification Petition. The fee for processing a petition for an appeal or variance to the Wisconsin Department of Commerce shall be $100.
(21) Posting. The fee for posting upon a premises any notice, order, or placard pursuant to Section 66.0413, Wisconsin Statutes, shall be $100. The posting fee shall be assessed and collected as a special tax against the real estate upon which the notice, order, or placard was posted and shall be a lien upon the said real estate.
PART II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
PART III. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from and after its passage and publication.
Ord-BIZI2004_2 Permit Fees_Attachment