An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Section 14.59 of the Revised Municipal Code Regarding Shop Maintenance Electrical License.
The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
PART I. Section 14.59 of the Revised Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to read:
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14.59 Shop Maintenance Electrical License
(1) A business, firm, corporation, or government agency who regularly employees one or more full-time maintenance electricians may engage in electrical work when issued a Shop Maintenance Electrical License as further defined in subparagraph (a) or (b).
(a) Shop Maintenance Electrical License - Master Electrician Certification.
A business, firm, corporation, or government agency that appoints a supervising electrician who possesses a valid State of Wisconsin issued Master Electrician Certification may engage in electrical work to include the repair, replacement and maintenance of existing electrical systems and the rearrangement, repair, or maintenance of existing electrical equipment or devices without securing required electrical permits or inspections. Additionally, this license holder may secure electrical permits for installations of new electrical systems, equipment, or devices. All new electrical work shall require permits, payment of fees, and inspections as required by the Code. All electrical work shall be reviewed and approved by the appointed supervising electrician.
(b) Shop Maintenance Electrical License - Restricted.
The Electrical Review Board may, after reviewing a person's qualifications and work experience, offer such person a special examination for a Shop Maintenance Electrical License - Restricted. Upon receiving a passing grade on the examination, the Board may deem this person qualified to serve as the supervising electrician for a Shop Maintenance Electrical License - Restricted. This restricted license shall allow a business, firm, corporation, or government agency to engage in electrical work to include the repair, and maintenance of existing electrical systems and the rearrangement, repair, or maintenance of existing electrical equipment or devices without securing required electrical permits or inspections. With prior approval from the electrical inspector, new equipment or devices may be installed after securing an electrical permit. All other new electrical work shall require the services of a Licensed Electrical Contractor who shall obtain permits, pay the required fees, and arrange for inspections as required by the Code. All electrical work performed under the Shop Maintenance Electrical License - Restricted shall be reviewed and approved by the appointed supervising electrician.
(2) Supervision & Code Applicable. All electrical work performed by the employees of the license holder shall be under the supervision of the appointed supervising electrician. All electrical work shall conform to this Code and the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
(3) Permits and Inspections. License holders are exempt from securing permits and inspections for the repair, and maintenance of existing electrical systems and for the rearrangement, repair or maintenance of existing electrical equipment or devices. All installations of new electrical systems, equipment, or devices are subject to permit and fee requirements, inspection requirements, special assessments, and other fees as prescribed by the Code. Restricted license holders are not eligible to secure electrical permits for additions, alterations, remodeling or new installations.
(4) Records. A written record of all work performed by the licensee, including, but not limited to, repair, rearrangement, and maintenance of electrical systems and equipment shall be kept and shall be accessible to the Electrical Inspector at any reasonable time.
(5) Access. The Electrical Inspector shall have unrestricted access to all areas of the premises of the license holder at any reasonable time.
(6) City and School District Exempt From Fees. The City of West Allis and the West Allis-West Milwaukee et. al., Board of Education, are exempt from paying licensing fees, but shall be required to renew said licenses. Permit fees are waived for new work performed by these license holders when City or District full-time employees perform the work, but required inspections are not waived.
(7) Change of Status. The Electrical Inspector shall be immediately informed by the license holder of any change in status of an appointed supervising electrician or other pertinent changes that may affect the license as issued by the City.
(8) License Fees. The licensing period shall be as stated for an electrical Contractor License in Section 14.58(3). The fees for licensing shall be as follows:
(a) Special Examination $ 50.00
(b) New Licenses $ 150.00
(c) Renewal Licenses $ 100.00
PART II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
PART III. This ordinance shall take effect and be enforced from and after its passage and publication.