Resolution relative to accepting the proposal from CDW-G for migrating our City e-mail platform from an on-premise solution to Microsoft's cloud 0365 platform for a three-year term and an annual net sum of $55,000.
WHEREAS, currently, the City of West Allis has an on-premise e-mail platform (a.k.a Microsoft "Exchange") that is over a decade old and has not been able to meet the new demands of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City's IT Department contracted Information Technology Professionals (ITP) to independently conduct a five-year TCO for both an on-premise upgrade and moving to the 0365 platform. The 0365 platform provides additional functionality in comparison to the on-premise platform, and Microsoft has alluded to moving their future offering to only the cloud-based model; and
WHEREAS, we also researched two different purchasing options for this migration. The first involved contracting directly with Microsoft, but this is costly and requires more effort on the billing and collection side of things. The other option is to consider a Value Added Reseller (VAR) that can simplify the billing for us and offer discounts beyond what is offered by Microsoft and the state licensing contracts; and
WHEREAS, $50,000 was secured in the 2018 CIP process which will cover the majority of the first year payment for this transaction. The remaining $5,000 will come from the "Joint Venture Account" which is where we collect funds from other municipalities for the IT services that we provide them with.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of West Allis that the quote from CDW-G, dated April 5, 2019, for providing 675 G1 level licenses for 0365 for the City of West Allis, for the net sum of $55,000, be and is hereby accepted. This will be charged to Account No. 352-1101-517.70-09, Project No. IT1901. The quote from CDW-G is for a three-year term. The annual payments for years two and three will be part of the IT General Account budget requests for years 2020 and 2021.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Department be and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the aforesaid services.