An Ordinance to create Subsection 12.43(2)(n) and to amend Subsection 12.45(2) relative to permitting pawn shop businesses as a special use within the C-4, Regional Commercial District and to amend Subsection 12.41(2)(ee) relative to second hand jewelry and/or second hand article and/or junk shop establishments in the C-2, Neighborhood Commercial District.
The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:
PART I. Subsections 12.41(2)(ee) and (ff) of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of West Allis is hereby repealed and relettered.
PART II. Subsections 12.43(2)(n) of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of West Allis is hereby created to read:
12.43 C-4, Regional Commercial District
(2) Special Uses
(n) Pawn Shops, Secondhand Stores and Secondhand Jewelry Dealers as defined in 9.15 of the Revised Municipal Code and conditioned upon the following clarifications:
i. Second hand jewelry dealers primarily engaged, meaning when more than 20% of the business is devoted, to second hand transactions and/or the buying of jewelry or gold.
ii. General retail jewelry establishments under the above referenced 20% threshold are permitted uses.
PART III. Subsections 12.45(2)(a) of the Revised Municipal Code of the City of West Allis is hereby amended to read:
12.45 M-1, Manufacturing District
(2) Special Uses.
(a) Those permitted in the C-4 District, except the following uses:
i. any residential, hotel or other lodging use;
ii. pawn shops, second hand stores and/or second jewelry dealers as defined in Section 9.15 of the Revised Municipal Code.
PART IV. All ordinances or parts of ordinance contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
PART V. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
cc: Department of Development
City Attorney's Office
Department of Building Inspections