A Resolution to authorize the purchase of Firefighting Apparatus (Pumping Engine and Aerial Device) for a total sum of $1,850,000.
WHEREAS, the West Allis Fire Department (WAFD) is in need of replacing two (2) firefighting apparatus, including a 2005 Pumping Engine and a 2003 Aerial Device; and
WHEREAS, the purchase of these firefighting apparatus is included in the 2017 Adopted Budget, in the amount of $2,015,000, to be funded with bond proceeds; and
WHEREAS, the WAFD has worked with the Finance Department to determine the most economical payment schedule and project timing regarding this purchase; and
WHEREAS, the sum of $1,850,000 is comprised of the contract price for the apparatus, in the amount of $1,779,247, and an additional $70,753 in estimated ancillary costs which includes: construction allowances, lettering, safety striping, loose firefighting equipment such as hose, nozzles, adapters, scene lighting, ventilation equipment, mounting bracketry and fabrication supplies for both apparatus; and
WHEREAS, the WAFD has again, as with the most recent previous fire engine and ambulance purchases, utilized the nation’s largest pre-bid municipal purchasing consortium the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) to negotiate favorable terms and pricing to ensure that both the City of West Allis and the WAFD are receiving the best possible competitive pricing in accordance with public purchasing requirements; and
WHEREAS, the purchase pricing submitted by Seagrave Fire Apparatus, through the HGAC Contract, was further negotiated to include additional discounts for the purchase of the apparatus, specifically including the following: the purchase of the two units together as one package unit, flexible delivery of the apparatus, a significant pre-payment discount, and the ability of Seagrave Fire Apparatus to utilize the apparatus for marketing purposes both prior to and shortly after delivery to WAFD; and
WHEREAS, Seagrave Fire Apparatus provides at no additional charge, a double industry standard two year bumper to bumper vehicle warranty, on both pumping engines and aerial devices as well as front to back stainless steel body construction, a focus on the use of industry standard and non-proprietary components and an economical aerial device remounting program that has the probability of doubling the service life of the aerial device of twenty-five (25) years and significantly reducing the cost of a future aerial device purchase; and
WHEREAS, the Police and Fire Commission approved the purchase of the firefighting apparatus on April 19, 2017; and
WHEREAS, payment for the firefighting apparatus will be made over the course of the twelve (12) month construction process of the apparatus, as prescribed by the agreement; and
WHEREAS, both firefighting apparatus will be delivered to the WAFD in or about May of 2018.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the purchase of the firefighting apparatus, in the amount of $1,850,000, is hereby approved subject to the City Attorney approving the form of the contract.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fire Chief or his designee, with the assistance of the City Attorney and Finance Director, be and is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the firefighting apparatus.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney is authorized to make such substantive changes consistent with the intent of this Resolution, to the terms and conditions of the contract as are deemed needed to protect the interests of the City.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Department be and is hereby authorized and directed to include the funds necessary for the purchase of the firefighting apparatus with the City’s 2017 borrowing needs which will be executed by the City in the upcoming months.