Resolution accepting work of Milwaukee General Construction Co., Inc., for the removal and reconstruction of the concrete alley pavement, storm sewer, utility adjustments and storm underdrain in various alleys in the City of West Allis and W. Grant St. widening (south side) from the alley west of S. 78 St. to S. 79 St. and authorizing and directing settlement of said contract in accordance with contract terms of 2002 Project No. 5.
WHEREAS, Milwaukee General Construction Co., Inc. has completed their contractual obligations in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, attested by the approval for payment by the City Engineer.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Common Council of the City of West Allis that the work of:
Milwaukee General Construction Co., Inc. - 2002 Project No. 5
for the removal and reconstruction of the concrete alley pavement, storm sewer, utility adjustments and storm underdrain in:
1. N/S alley between S. Livingston Terr., S. 67 Pl. and W. Grant St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-296 & U-2303
2. N/S alley between S. 66 St., S. Livingston Terr. and W. Revere Pl.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-297 & U-2304
3. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 69 St., S. 70 St., W. Lincoln Ave. and W. Grant St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-298 & U-2305
4. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 58 St., S. 59 St., W. Lincoln Ave. and W. Hayes Ave.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-299 & U-2306
5. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 66 St., S. 67 St., W. Lincoln Ave. and W. Hayes Ave.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-300 & U-2307
6. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 65 St., S. 66 St., W. Lincoln Ave. and W. Hayes Ave.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-301 & U-2308
7. N/S alley between S. 91 St., S. 92 St., W. Manitoba St. to 300' south
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-302 & U-2309
8. N/S alley between S. 91 St., S. 92 St., W. Dakota St. and W. Manitoba St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-303 & U-2310
9. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 71 St., S. 72 St., W. National Ave. and W. Orchard St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-304 & U-2311
10. N/S alley between S. 68 St., S. 69 St., W. Mitchell St. and W. Burnham St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-305 & U-2312
11. N/S alley between S. 78 St., S. 79 St., W. Becher St. and W. Grant St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-306 & U-2313
13. N/S and E/W alleys between S. 54 St., S. 55 St., W. Burnham St. and W. Rogers St.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-308 & U-2314
14. N/S alley between S. 74 St., S. 75 St., W. Walker St. to the alley north.
PLAN FILE NOS. AP-309 & U-2315
and: W. Grant St. widening (south side) from the alley west of S. 78 St. to S. 79 St.
PLAN FILE NOS. SP-1074 & U-2313
be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to make settlement with the said contractor in accordance with terms of said contract.