Resolution creating Tax Incremental District No. 18 (Chr. Hansen Expansion), approving its Project Plan and establishing its boundaries, City of West Allis, Wisconsin
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis (the “City”) has determined that use of Tax Incremental Financing is required to promote development and redevelopment within the City; and,
WHEREAS, Tax Incremental District No. 18 (the “District”) is proposed to be created by the City as an industrial district in accordance with the provisions of Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1105 (the "Tax Increment Law"); and,
WHEREAS, a Project Plan for the District has been prepared that includes:
a. A statement listing of the kind, number and location of all proposed public works or improvements within the District, or to the extent provided in Wisconsin Statutes Sections 66.1105(2)(f)1.k. and 66.1105(2)(f)1.n., outside of the District;
b. An economic feasibility study;
c. A detailed list of estimated project costs;
d. A description of the methods of financing all estimated project costs and the time when the related costs or monetary obligations are to be incurred;
e. A map showing existing uses and conditions of real property in the District;
f. A map showing proposed improvements and uses in the District;
g. Proposed changes of zoning ordinances, master plan, map, building codes and City ordinances;
h. A list of estimated non-project costs;
i. A statement of the proposed plan for relocation of any persons to be displaced;
j. A statement indicating how the District promotes the orderly development of the City;
k. An opinion of the City Attorney or of an attorney retained by the City advising that the plan is complete and complies with Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1105(4)(f); and,
WHEREAS, prior to its publication, a copy of the notice of public hearing was sent to the chief executive officers of Milwaukee County, the West Allis - West Milwaukee School District, and the Milwaukee Area Technical College District, and any other entities having the power to levy taxes on property located within the District, in accordance with the procedures specified in the Tax Increment Law; and,
WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures specified in the Tax Increment Law, the Community Development Authority, on November 12, 2019 held a public hearing concerning the project plan and boundaries and proposed creation of the District, providing interested parties a reasonable opportunity to express their views thereon; and,
WHEREAS, after said public hearing, the Community Development Authority designated the boundaries of the District, adopted the Project Plan, and recommended to the Common Council that it create such District and approve the Project Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that:
1. The boundaries of the District that shall be named "Tax Incremental District No. 18, City of West Allis", are hereby established as specified in Exhibit A of this Resolution.
2. The District is created effective as of January 1, 2020.
3. The Common Council finds and declares that:
(a) Not less than 50% by area of the real property within the District is suitable for industrial sites within the meaning of Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1101 and has been zoned for industrial use.
(b) Based upon the finding stated in 3.a. above, the District is declared to be an industrial district based on the identification and classification of the property included within the District.
(c) The improvement of such area is likely to enhance significantly the value of substantially all of the other real property in the District.
(d) The equalized value of the taxable property in the District plus the value increment of all other existing tax incremental districts within the City, does not exceed 12% of the total equalized value of taxable property within the City.
(e) That there are no parcels to be included within the District that were annexed by the City within the three-year period preceding adoption of this Resolution.
(f) The City estimates that none of the territory within the District will be devoted to retail business at the end of the District’s maximum expenditure period, pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1105(5)(b).
(g) The project costs relate directly to promoting industrial development in the District consistent with the purpose for which the District is created.
(h) Any real property within the District that is found suitable for industrial sites and is zoned for industrial use will remain zoned for industrial use for the life of the District.
4. The Project Plan for "Tax Incremental District No. 18, City of West Allis" (see Exhibit B) is approved, and the City further finds the Plan is feasible and in conformity with the master plan of the City.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, in such form as may be prescribed, for a "Determination of Tax Incremental Base", as of January 1, 2020, pursuant to the provisions of Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1105(5)(b).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 66.1105(5)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes that the City Assessor is hereby authorized and directed to identify upon the assessment roll returned and examined under Wisconsin Statutes Section 70.45, those parcels of property which are within the District, specifying thereon the name of the said District, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make similar notations on the tax roll made under Section 70.65 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
Exhibit A -
Legal Boundary Description or Map of Tax Incremental District No. 18, City of West Allis
[Included in Project Plan]
Exhibit B -
Project Plan
[Distributed Separately]