File #: O-2003-0071    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/4/2003 In control: Advisory Committee (INACTIVE)
On agenda: Final action: 11/18/2003
Title: An Ordinance to repeal and recreate Section 3.01 of Chapter III of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relative to Council Meetings.
Attachments: 1. 2003-0071


An Ordinance to repeal and recreate Section 3.01 of Chapter III of the West Allis Revised Municipal Code Relative to Council Meetings.


The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:


PART I.  Section 3.01 is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows:


3.01                     COUNCIL MEETINGS


(1)                     Regular Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Common Council of the City of West Allis shall be held at the Council Chambers in the City Hall or such other place as the Common Council may designate on the first and third Tuesdays of each month or such other days that the Common Council may agree upon.  The time of the Common Council meeting shall be established by the Common Council at its convenience.  Public hearings may be taken up out of the regular order of business.  Following a regular City election, the new Council shall first meet on the third Tuesday of April.


(2)                     Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Common Council may be called by the Mayor (or in his/her absence, by the President of the Council), at such time as he/she may appoint, by written notice of the purpose and time thereof, to each member delivered to him/her personally or left at his/her usual abode, at least six (6) hours before the meeting.  Upon petition of five (5) or more members of the Council, the Mayor (or in his/her absence, the President of the Council) shall call a special meeting of the Common Council.  No other business shall be considered or transacted at any special meeting other than that for which the special meeting was called.


(3)                     Adjournments.  Any regular or special meeting may be adjourned by a majority of the members present.


(4)                     Meetings Shall Be Public.  All meetings of the Council shall be open and public and all of its procedure shall be recorded by the City Clerk/Treasurer, or under his/her authorization, in record books kept for that purpose.


(5)                     Call To Order.  The Mayor or President or Acting President of the Council (as the case may be) shall promptly call each meeting of the Council to order, at the hour fixed for the holding of such meeting.





The direct line of succession and order shall be as follows:


Chairpersons of the Administration & Finance Committee

Chairpersons of the Board of Public Works

Chairpersons of the Safety & Development Committee

Chairpersons of the License & Health Committee

Chairpersons of the Advisory Committee


(6)                     Roll Calls And Quorum.  Before proceeding to business, the roll of the members of the Council shall be called alphabetically, and the names of those present and those absent shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Council.  Seven (7) members of the Council, or any greater number, shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business; but, a lesser number can adjourn and shall have the power to compel the attendance of absent members.  The Mayor shall not be counted in determining whether a quorum is present.


(7)                     Attendance; Leave Of Absence.  No member of the Council, the City Clerk/Treasurer or his/her designee, or other City official, Chief of Police or Police Officer whose duty it shall be to attend, shall absent himself/herself from the meetings of the Council, unless for illness or other good cause.


(8)                     Committee Members To Remain At Meeting.  No members of any Committee shall, during a meeting of the Council, have the privilege of absenting themselves from such meeting by reason of membership in such Committee, except by special leave then given.


(9)                     Disturbance; How Suppressed.  Whenever any disturbance or disorderly conduct shall occur in the Council Chambers or rooms or halls adjacent thereto, the Mayor or other presiding officer of the Council shall have power and authority, with the aid of the Chief of Police, or other Police Officer in attendance upon the meeting of the Council, to cause the same to be cleared of those persons, as required or authorized by law.


(10)                     Notice of Meetings.  Notice of meetings of the Common Council shall be given in accordance with the Open Meetings Law, Subchapter V, Chapter 19, Wisconsin Statutes.


PART II.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.


PART III.  This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication.