File #: O-2005-0001    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 1/4/2005 In control: Safety and Development Committee (INACTIVE)
On agenda: Final action: 1/4/2005
Title: An Ordinance to amend Sections 14.81, 14.84, 14.85 and 14.87 of the Electrical Code Pertaining to Permits, Fees and Inspections.






An Ordinance to amend Sections 14.81, 14.84, 14.85 and 14.87 of the Electrical Code Pertaining to Permits, Fees and Inspections.




The Common Council of the City of West Allis do ordain as follows:


PART I.  Sections 14.81, 14.84, 14.85 and 14.87 of the Electrical Code are amended to read as follows:




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14.81                     Inspections.

(1)                     Inspections.  Upon completion of any installation, alteration, or replacement of electrical equipment which requires a permit, it shall be the duty of the electrical contractor making the installation, alteration, or replacement to notify the electrical inspector, who may inspect the installation, alteration or replacement as soon thereafter as practicable.  When any electrical equipment requiring a permit is to be concealed by the permanent placement of parts of the building, the electrical contractor installing the electrical equipment shall notify the electrical inspector to that effect, and such equipment shall not be concealed by the person installing such parts of the building until after it has been inspected and approved by the electrical inspector.  On installations where the concealment of electrical equipment proceeds continuously, the electrical contractor installing the electrical equipment shall give the electrical inspector due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work as directed by the electrical inspector.

(2)                     Notification and Inspection of Work.  The licensee shall notify the electrical inspector when work is ready to be inspected.  The request shall include the contractors name, the permit number, the location of the work to be inspected, and other pertinent information necessary to allow to allow for the inspection.

(3)                     Inspection of Work.  The Electrical Inspector shall perform the requested inspection within

two (2) business days, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, after receiving notification.  If, after two business days, an inspection has not been made, the contractor shall inform the Electrical Inspector of his or her intention to proceed with the work.

(4)                     Inspection Types.  Inspection types for an issued electrical permit:

(a)                     A rough-in inspection before concealment of electrical wiring or raceway piping.

(b)                     Final inspection for releasing the installation for its intended use; and,

(c)                     Reinspections, as necessary, to confirm compliance and satisfactory completion of the electrical work.

(5)                     Access.  The electrical contractor shall provide access for any inspection that is not readily accessible for an inspection such as, but not limited to; roof tops, tunnels, etc.

(6)                     Approval.  If it is found that the installation complies with this code, the electrical inspector shall document approval of same and authorize concealment of the electrical wiring, connection of electrical service or final inspection approval of the installation for its intended use.

(7)                     Certificate of Inspection.  For connection of a new or replacement electrical service to any building, structure or premises, the Electrical Inspector shall issue a certificate of inspection to the electric company furnishing electrical power and the power company shall not energize said service until receiving approval from the Electrical Inspector.

(8)                     Disapproval.  If the installation for which a permit has been issued is incomplete or not strictly in accordance with the code, the Electrical Inspector shall post a rejection notice.  The notice shall not be removed until approved by the Electrical Inspector.  The electrical contractor installing the faulty installation shall remove all hazards and make necessary changes or additions to comply with the code within ten (10) days and call for a reinspection.  A reinspection fee may be assessed for reinspection and failure to adhere to the ten (10) day notice.  The electrical contractor may extend the ten (10) day notice when approved by the Electrical Inspector, except for emergencies or other conditions involving public safety.

(9)                     Authority to Remove.  The Electrical Inspector shall have authority to cause the removal of any obstruction which may prevent the proper inspection of any electrical equipment.  Concealment of electrical work before inspection by any person is a violation of this Code.

(10)                     Final Inspection.  The electrical contractor shall promptly call for a final inspection when work is completed and before the electrical installation is used for its intended purpose.  It is the responsibility of the electrical contractor to insure the electrical installation is safeguarded until approved by the electrical inspector.  A penalty fee may be assessed for failure of the electrical contractor to promptly request a final inspection.

(11)                     Affidavit Permit and Inspection.  An electrical affidavit permit may be issued for a single appliance or fixture or for a new or replacement installation of a furnace and/or air conditioner in a residential use property.  The building must be used as a single or two-family property only.  The permit will not require an inspection, but the electrical inspector may periodically review contractor work for a permit issued under this section.  The signature of the master electrician on the permit application for an affidavit permit shall affirm and certify that the installation will conform to all applicable regulations, and that the work will be performed in a safe, legal, and workmanlike manner.

(12)                     Stop Work Order. 

(a)                     When it is found that any electrical installation is being made, or that any electrical device, equipment, or fixture is being installed contrary to the provisions of this code, or that such electrical installation, device, equipment or fixture is dangerous or unsafe, the Electrical Inspector may issue or cause to be issued a stop work order.  Any person violating this regulation shall be subject to penalty pursuant to Section 14.99 of this Chapter.

(b)                     Such stop work order shall be in writing and shall be served upon the owner of such property, a duly authorized agent or the person responsible for such work.  The stop work order shall set forth the reasons why such work is being stopped and the provisions of the code being violated.

(c)                     A stop work order shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises and it shall be unlawful for any person to remove such order or to perform any work on the electrical installation, device, equipment, or fixtures, so long as the stop work order shall remain.

                     (13)                     Unsafe Conditions, Owner Responsibility.

(a)                     The Electrical Inspector is authorized to inspect any building, structure, dwelling unit or equipment thereon which is reported or found to have electrical systems or parts thereof that are in violation of the electrical code or that are damaged, dangerous, unsafe, unsanitary, or unfit for human habitation.  The Electrical Inspector, upon presentation of proper credentials, may enter at any reasonable time, any building, structure, or premises to enforce this code.  The Electrical Inspector is authorized to issue a Notice or Order upon the property owner to correct any violation of the electrical code observed by such Inspector.  The property owner shall promptly authorize correction of code violations.

(b)                     The Electrical Inspector is authorized to Order the discontinued occupancy or use of a building, structure, dwelling, or equipment if, in the Inspector's judgment, the building, structure, dwelling, or equipment is unsafe, dangerous, unsanitary, or unfit for human habitation.  An Order is to be issued upon the owner and persons occupying or using the building, structure, dwelling unit, or equipment.  An Order to discontinue occupancy or use shall identify the code violation that causes the building, structure, dwelling unit, or equipment to be unsafe, dangerous, unsanitary, or unfit for human habitation.  The Director of the Department of Building Inspections may also order the installation of temporary safeguards and upon installation of such safeguards, may permit the occupancy or use to continue or resume on a limited basis until code violations have been corrected.  If the building, structure, dwelling unit, or equipment can be made safe or fit for human habitation by repairs, the Order shall specify a time to make repairs.

(c)                     The owner of the property is responsible for correction of violations issued by the Electrical Inspector in a Notice or Order.  The Electrical Inspector is authorized and may commence and prosecute legal action in municipal or circuit court.

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14.84                     Special Inspection of Electrically Illuminated Signs.

                     Electrically illuminated signs may be inspected before installation by the Electrical Inspector.  All such signs shall be constructed and Listed as required by the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Rules of Electrical Code, Volume 2.  Custom outline neon lighting, interior and exterior, shall not be energized until approved by the Electrical Inspector.


14.85                     Fee Schedule

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(3)                     Feeders and Sub-Feeders 

                     -  per 100 amp capacity or fraction thereof                     $20.00/ea. 100 amp

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(16)                     Switch, receptacle, data, phone, CATA devices

                     doorbells, etc., per device                     $ .75/ea.

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(27)                     Affidavit Permit.  1 or 2 family use properties only for:

furnace and/or air conditioner replacement; or, single appliance,

fixture or device (new or replacement) installation.  No

inspection required.  The contractor certifies by signature

on permit that the installation conforms to all applicable regulations

and has been performed in a safe, legal, and workmanlike manner.

This must be the only work covered by this permit.                     $40.00/permit

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(30)                     Minimum charge for any permit (except item #27 - $40)                     $65.00/minimum

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14.87                     Electrical Contractor Forfeiture and No Permit Status.

                     An additional fee may be assessed for failure of the electrical contractor to call for an inspection or allowing use of an installation prior to inspection, concealing work prior to approval, or failing to comply with the Notice or Order of the Electrical Inspector.  Additionally, an electrical contractor may be placed in a "no permit status" for failure to secure permits, failure to call for inspections, or failure to conform to the Orders of the Electrical Inspector.

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PART II.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.


PART III.  This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication and the schedule of fees shall come into effect on February 28, 2005.