Resolution relative to authorizing the Director of Development to negotiate with Milwaukee County for the purchase of the property at 6215 W. National Avenue for a Six Points Public Parking Facility Project.
WHEREAS, the .243 acre property located at 6215 W. National Avenue ("Property") has been cleared upon a Raze Order on August 24, 2009 and subsequently foreclosed upon by Milwaukee County; and,
WHEREAS, the Six Points Redevelopment Plan outlines the need for constructing neighborhood public parking to support businesses of the district; and,
WHEREAS, the Six Points Public Parking Facility Project is a project to construct a public parking lot within the Six Points Neighborhood; and,
WHEREAS, the project activity is eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds as it fulfills Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) national objective to assist low-to-moderate income areas; and,
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis will need to negotiate the acquisition of the property from Milwaukee County in an amount up to $50,000; and,
WHEREAS, the City of West Allis has previously funded Six Points CDBG activities to perform catalytic projects within the Six Points Neighborhood that have a balance of $195,470; and,
WHEREAS, the estimated costs for the project, as proposed by the City's Department of Engineering, is $200,000 plus contingency for an overall project budget estimate of $300,000 including acquisition, engineering and construction, lighting, and landscaping; and,
WHEREAS, additional project funds estimated at $105,000 are to be transferred from the CDBG contingency fund following a public hearing at the August 6, 2013 Common Council meeting; and,
WHEREAS, the Director of Development has recommended approval of this project.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of West Allis that it hereby approves the creation of a Six Points Public Parking Facility Project to be located at 6215 W. National Avenue.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council authorizes the Director of Development to negotiate the purchase of the property at 6215 W. National Avenue, in an amount up to $50,000 from the existing CDBG Six Points activities and to execute, sign, and deliver all necessary documents for the acquisition of the property from Milwaukee County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be and is hereby authorized to make such substantive changes, modifications, additions and deletions to and from the various provisions of the Agreement, including any and all attachments, exhibits, addendums and amendments, as may be necessary and proper to correct inconsistencies, eliminate ambiguity and otherwise clarify and supplement said provisions to preserve and maintain the general intent thereof, and to prepare and deliver such other and further documents as may be reasonably necessary to complete the transactions contemplated therein.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Common Council approves a project budget of up to $300,000 subject to Public Hearing to be funded by Six Points Activities and CDBG contingency funds.
cc: Department of Development
Finance-Grants Accounting Specialist