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Type: Plan Commission
Meeting location: City Hall, Common Council Chambers 7525 W. Greenfield Ave.

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Plan Commission 6:00 PM     Export to iCalendar
2.38 City Plan Commission How Constituted. The City Plan Commission shall consist of the Mayor and seven (7) citizens, who do not hold any City office or employment. The Mayor may also appoint up to two (2) additional citizens as alternates to the Commission who shall serve for a period of three (3) years in instances when regular members are unable to attend Plan Commission meetings. The citizen members shall be persons having an interest in and an understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the Plan Commission. They shall receive such compensation as the Common Council may provide. The City Engineer, Code Enforcement Director, City Planner and chair of the Public Safety Committee shall be advisors to the Commission but shall have no voting power. [Ord. O-2018-0035, 8/7/2018] Appointment and Terms of Office. The citizen members shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council. In making such appointments, the Mayor shall, insofar as practicable, make such appointments from a list of applicants who have submitted their qualifications to fill such positions. Appointment shall be for a term of three (3) years and made initially in such manner that the terms of not more than two (2) members expire in any one year. A vacancy in the membership shall be filled for the unexpired term. Terms for the citizen members shall commence on the first day of May. The term of the Mayor shall be for the term of his office as Mayor. Organization and Procedure. The Mayor shall serve as Chairman of the Plan Commission. The Mayor shall not be counted toward determining the quorum. The Mayor shall have no voting power except in the case of a tie vote among citizen members, when he/she shall cast the deciding votes. A citizen member shall be designated as Vice-Chairperson by the Plan Commission. [Ord. O-2008-0039, 9/2/2008] Meetings shall be held regularly at least once a month and additionally as required at the call of the Chairman or a majority of the entire Commission. Meetings shall be held at a time and place specified by the Commission with advance notice to the City Clerk and shall be open to the public. A quorum shall be four (4) members, not including the Mayor, and all official actions shall require a majority vote. [Ord. O-2008-0039, 9/2/2008] The Chairman shall designate one of the members as Secretary. The Commission may delegate the responsibility of taking and maintaining the minutes and records of the Commission to the City Planner. Written minutes shall be kept showing all actions taken, resolutions, findings, determinations, transactions and recommendations made; a copy of such minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk. The Commission may adopt additional rules not inconsistent herewith, for the transaction of its business. All Plan Commission decisions shall be appealed to the Common Council. [Ord. O-2010-0047, 11/16/2010] Powers. The Commission shall have such powers as provided by state law and as may be necessary to enable it to perform its functions and duties and to promote municipal planning. Such powers shall include the following: To employ experts and a staff, and to pay for their services and such other expenses as may be necessary and proper, not exceeding, in all, the appropriation that may be made for such Commission by the Common Council, or placed at its disposal through gift, and subject to any ordinance or resolution enacted by the governing body. To make reports and recommendations relating to the plan and development of the municipality to public officials, agencies, utilities and other organizations and citizens. To recommend public improvement programs and financing thereof to the Common Council. To request available information from any public official to be furnished within a reasonable time as it may require for its work. The Commission, its members and employees, in the performance of its functions, may enter upon any land, make examinations and surveys and place and maintain necessary monuments and marks thereon. Duties. The Commission shall have the following functions and duties: Make and adopt a master plan for the physical development of the City and such other functions and duties in relation thereto, in accordance with Sec. 62.23(2) and (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Recommend an official map to the Common Council and such other functions and duties in relation thereto, in accordance with Sec. 62.23(6) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Recommend a zoning district plan and regulations to the Common Council, in accordance with sec. 62.23(7) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Recommend land division regulations to the Common Council, in accordance with sec. 236.45 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Recommend changes to the master plan, official map, zoning, land division and fire prevention ordinances that it deems necessary or desirable. Consider and report or recommend on all matters referred to it. Referrals. The Common Council or other public body or officer of the City having final authority thereon shall refer to the Commission, for its consideration and report before final action is taken, the following matters: Location and architectural design of any public building, statue or other memorial. Location, acceptance, extension, alteration, vacation, abandonment, change of use, sale, acquisition or lease of land for any street, alley or other public way, park, playground, airport, parking area or other memorial or public grounds. Location, extension, abandonment or authorization for any public utility, whether publicly or privately owned. Location, character and extent, or acquisition, leasing or sale of lands for public or semipublic housing, slum clearance, relief of congestion or vacation camps for children. Proposed fire limits and fire prevention regulations. All annexations, incorporations or consolidations affecting the City. All divisions of lands within the City's platting jurisdiction. All proposed or requested changes and amendments to the masterplan, official map, zoning, land division and fire prevention ordinances. Additional Powers and Duties. The Commission shall have all additional powers and duties granted or assigned to it by the Common Council. All the powers and duties granted or assigned by the Wisconsin Statutes to City Plan Commissions are hereby granted or assigned to the Commission.